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If you are a student or graduate looking for financial support, you can find out more about the bursaries, awards and funds, that are funded by alumni here.

The ACH1EVE Fund

Applications are currently closed. 

  • Realising academic ambitions.
  • Excelling through a passion for sports or societies.
  • Developing exemplary work in and with our communities.
  • Becoming citizens who are part of the solutions to today’s challenges.

This fund is open to you, all students, societies, teams, and recent graduates*, to make the widest possible range of activities and opportunities, possible - from a trip to a national conference for a teaching student, to an opportunity for a music student to perform in a concert, to contributing towards a local community sustainability project.

You can apply for funding from £500 up to £2000 for an opportunity to enhance your development, help you grow your skills, expertise and connections to successfully navigate your future.

Due to the drastic changes we have seen in the world over the last few years, more than ever before, we want your experience to be enriching, successful and distinctively Chester – this could be through excelling in sport, realising an academic ambition, or responding to a need in the communities that surround us.

Apply today and ACH1EVE more than ever before.

When the ACH1EVE Fund is open, applications will be reviewed in October, February and May. If successful, projects must take place at least six weeks after these review points to allow time to transfer funds.

*Graduates of up to two years are welcome to apply.