A level Revision and Study courses 2025 – Chemistry in-person

Get a boost to progression to Higher Education with our free revision and study courses for Post 16 students.
Our Chemistry study day is offered in 2 formats on separate dates, with both days covering the same content. Aimed at supporting Year 13 students with revision for their forthcoming examinations, however Year 12 students are welcome to attend.
Topics covered will be delivered through a mixture of short talks and work on practice questions. We will ask individual attendees for more information about areas they would like support with, however topics previously covered have included:
- Amount of Substance Calculations – titrations
- Transition metals - Ligand exchange reactions
- Redox - General principles
- Acids and Bases - Buffer calculations
- Energetics - Hess's cycle calculation
- Thermodynamics – Gibbs
- Bonding - intermolecular forces
- Rate Equations - Working out orders
- Organic Mechanisms - nucleophilic substitution
- Carboxylic acids and derivatives - nucleophilic addition/elimination
- Alkenes – electrophilic addition/inductive effect
- Aromatics - electrophilic substitution
Further details of the full series of events making up the A level Revision and Study courses 2025 can be found here.
Students or groups can request places on as many of the events as they wish.
Applying as an individual
Complete this application form to request a place on the event(s) of your choice.
Applying to bring a group
Complete this form and a member of Outreach will get back to you
Please note events may have a limited capacity – completing the application form does not guarantee a place. We may need to operate a waiting list if over-subscribed.
For further information on any of these events please contact Isabel Leah, Outreach and WP lead, Outreach Team i.leah@chester.ac.uk
Who You'll Meet
Dr Andrew Fogg
Senior Lecturer
How to get there
Exton Park is centrally located in Chester, and accessible via the M53, A483, A41, A56, and public transport from the city centre.
Find your way around Exton Park
University of Chester, Parkgate Road, Chester, CH1 4BJ
The Greenway Gate, accessible between 7am – 9pm with your University pass, is located at the back of the overflow car park and is the nearest point of access to the Millennium Greenway cycle path that connects to routes throughout the city.
Public Transport
Bache train station is a 15-minute walk from Exton Park and Chester railway station is a 20-minute walk. Arriva 1A and Arriva 1 run frequent services that stop with a short walk to Exton Park. All three Park and Ride routes, PR1, PR2 and PR3 have connections within walking distance to Exton Park.
Parking on campus is limited, so we recommend using public transport and/or walking if possible.