Theology and Religious Studies A-Level Webinars Season 6: Sallie McFague: Can we call God ‘Mother’?

Theology & Religious Studies Webinars return for a Sixth Series!
In short, sharp online sessions, expert lecturers share their knowledge and engage with topics and issues from the A Level Religious Studies syllabus. A level students and teachers are especially welcome, but also GCSE and Key Stage Three, and indeed anyone with an interest!
Sallie McFague: Can we call God ‘Mother’?
In this webinar we will explore issues around Christian God-talk and gender. We’ll address what’s at stake when thinking about the language we use for God and we’ll ask what theological grounds there might be for imaging God as Mother. Drawing specifically on the work of eco-feminist theologian, Sallie McFague, we’ll explore her concerns about male-centred God-language and her proposed model of God as Mother.
Further details of the full series of events making up the A level Revision and Study courses 2025 can be found here.
Students or groups can request places on as many of the events as they wish.
Applying as an individual (currently in education or currently studying) – Complete this application form to request a place on the event(s) of your choice.
Applying for a group (currently in education) – Complete this form and a member of Outreach will get back to you
Applying as an individual (not in education or currently studying) - Complete this application form to request a place on the event(s) of your choice.
Who You'll Meet
Professor Hannah Bacon