Dr Djordje Sredanovic

Lecturer, Sociology

School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dr Djordje Sredanovic

Books and special issues

2022 – volume – Implementing Citizenship, Nationality and Integration Policies: The UK and Belgium in Comparative Perspective, Bristol University Press, Bristol.

2022 – edited volume – Migration Control in Practice: Before and Within the Borders of the State, Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles, Bruxelles – edited with Infantino, Federica.

2018 – edited volume – Governing Diversity: Migrant Integration and Multiculturalism in North America and Europe, Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles, Bruxelles – edited with Rea, Andrea, Bribosia, Emmanuelle and Rorive, Isabelle.

2018 – special issue – Trends towards particularism in European citizenship policies – Journal of Contemporary European Studies edited with Stadlmair, Jeremias.

Articles in peer reviewed journals

2022 – The tactics and strategies of naturalisation: UK and EU27 citizens in the context of Brexit, in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48(13): 3095-3112.

2021 - Brexit and the stratified uses of national and European Union citizenship, in Current Sociology – with Della Puppa, Francesco.

2021 - Brexit as a Trigger and an Obstacle to Onwards and Return Migration, in International Migration, 59(6): 93-108.

2020 – Barriers to the Equal Treatment of (aspirant) Citizens: The Case of the Application of Nationality Law in Belgium, in International Migration, 58(2): 15-29.

2020 – Aspettative, immaginari e progettualità di mobilità e stanzialità nel quadro della Brexit: cittadini dalla nascita e cittadini “naturalizzati” a confronto [Expectations, imaginaries and projects of mobility and immobility in the framework of Brexit: a comparison between citizens at birth and “naturalized” citizens] – in Polis, 35(1): 85-108 – with Della Puppa, Francesco.

2018 – Introduction: trends towards particularism in European citizenship policies, in Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 26(1): 1-11 – with Stadlmair, Jeremias.

2018 – (Un) preferential treatment:‘Special’and particularistic citizenship norms in the EU28, 1992–2015, in Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 26(1): 12-27.

2017 – Was citizenship born with the Enlightenment? Developments of citizenship between Britain and France and “everyday citizenship” implications, in Miranda, 15.

2017 – La nationalité/citoyenneté italienne : « familiste » mais non « culturelle » ? [Italian nationality/citizenship: «familist» but not «cultural»?], in Pôle Sud, 47: 133-146.

2017 – Lasciare l’Italia? Le seconde migrazioni tra cittadinanza e crisi economica [To leave Italy? Second migrations between citizenship and the economic crisis], in Studi Emigrazione, 205: 111-128. – with Della Puppa, Francesco.

2017 – Transnationalising cultural pluralism? The case of migrants from Ukraine and Lebanon in Italy, in Critical Discourse Studies, 14(3): 292-308.

2017 – Citizen to Stay or Citizen to Go? Naturalization, Security, and Mobility of Migrants in Italy, in Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 15(4): 366-383 – with Della Puppa, Francesco.

2016 – Political Parties and Citizenship Legislation Change in EU28 Countries, 1992—2013, in International Political Science Review, 37(4): 438-452.

2016 – The 2012 killings of Chinese citizens in Rome and the ambivalence of Italian journalism, in Patterns of Prejudice, 50(1): 61-81.

2016 – Models of Representation, Mobilization and Turnout: the Elections of the Foreign Citizens’ Council of the Province of Bologna, in International Migration, 54(5): 15-28.

2015 – La natura multidimensionale e contestuale dei diritti: operai a Ferrara [The Multidimensional and Contextual Nature of Rights: Factory Workers in Ferrara], in Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa, 8(3): 513-534.

2015 – ‘Can the Youth of Migrant Background Speak?’ The Jus Soli Debate in Italian Print and Television Journalism, in Journal of Intercultural Studies, 36(6): 693-709. – with Farina, Filomena Gaia.

2015 – The “Emergency North Africa” in the province of Bologna: visions and tensions of hospitality in operators’ discourses, in Hospitality & Society, 5(2-3): 203-220. – with Lelleri, Raffaele.

2014 – Culture or Taxes? The Conceptions of Citizenship of Migrants and Local Factory Workers in Italy, in Citizenship Studies, 18(6-7): 676-689.

2014 – Quel est la valeur de la nationalité/citoyenneté en Italie ? Résultats d’une recherche auprès des migrants et des ouvriers italiens à Ferrare [What is the Value of Nationality/Citizenship in Italy? Results of a Research with Migrants and Italian Factory Workers in Ferrara], in Migrations Société, 153-154: 47-61.

2014 – Les industries culturelles et la permanence du national dans l’ère d’Internet [Cultural Industries and the Permanence of the National in the Internet Era], in Les Enjeux de l’information et de la communication, 15(2A): 67-79.

Other publications

forthcoming – chapter – Ideas of integration in citizenship laws and citizenship acquisition procedures in Belgium and the UK, in Barbulescu, Roxana, Goodman, Sarah Wallace and Pedroza, Luicy (eds.) Revising the Citizenship-Integration Nexus in Europe: Sites, Policies and Bureaucracies of Belonging, Cham: Springer.

2023 – chapter – Bonds of Transnationalism and Freedom of Mobility: Intra-European Onward Migrants Before and After Brexit, in Ahrens, Jill and King, Russell (eds.) Onward Migration and Multi-Sited Transnationalism: Complex Trajectories, Practices and Ties, Cham, Springer: 179-198 – with Della Puppa, Francesco.

2022 – chapter – The Perspectives of Implementation in Migration Policies: An Introduction, in Infantino, Federica and Sredanovic, Djordje (eds.) Migration Control in Practice: Before and Within the Borders of the State, Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles, Bruxelles: 9-28 – with Infantino, Federica.

2022 – chapter – Variable Filters: Local Bureaucracies in Citizenship and Nationality Procedures in the UK and Belgium, in Infantino, Federica and Sredanovic, Djordje (eds.) Migration Control in Practice: Before and Within the Borders of the State, Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles, Bruxelles: 181-198.

2019 – chapter – Huligani dangeroux : imaginaires “new punk wave” entre l’Europe de l’Est et l’Europe de l’Ouest [Huligani dangeroux: “new punk wave” imaginaries between Eastern and Western Europe], in Edwards, Paul, Grossi, Élodie and Schor, Paul (eds.) Disorder: histoire sociale des mouvements punk/post punk. Seteun, Guichen: 165-180.

2019 – chapter – Defining borders on land and sea. Italy, the European Union, and Mediterranean Refugees 2011-2015, in Linhard, Tabea, Parsons, Tim and Walke, Anika (eds.) Mapping Migration, Identity, and Space, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke: 233-256.

2018 – chapter – Introduction: Governing Diversity, in Rea, Andrea, Bribosia, Emmanuelle, Rorive, Isabelle, and Sredanovic, Djordje (eds.)  Governing Diversity: Migrant Integration and Multiculturalism in North America and Europe, Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles, Bruxelles: 7-26 – with Rea, Andrea, Bribosia, Emmanuelle and Rorive, Isabelle.

2018 – chapter – Mérite et conformité culturelle aux marges de la loi : Le cas de la nationalité en Belgique [Merit and cultural conformity at the margins of the law: The case of nationality in Belgium], in Garnier, Adèle, Pignolo, Loïc, and Saint-Laurent, Geneviève (eds.) Gérer les migrations face aux défis identitaires et sécuritaires, Genève, Université de Genève: 97-108.

2017 – chapter – Supranationales ou internationales ? Les représentations des institutions politiques de l’Union européenne [Supranational or international? The representations of the political institutions of the European Union], in Radut-Gaghi, Luciana, Oprea, Denisa-Adriana and Boursier, Axel (eds.) L’Europe dans les médias en ligne, L’Harmattan, Paris: 59-66.

2014 – chapter – Fotografia. La rappresentazione di migranti e minoranze nei quotidiani 2013 : numeri, temi, tendenze [Photograph. The representation of migrants and minorities in 2013 newspapers: numbers, themes, tendencies], in Notizie alla deriva. Secondo rapporto annuale Associazione Carta di Roma, Edizioni Ponte Sisto, Roma: 19-45 – with Zenuni, Ardiana.

2013 – chapter – Fotografia: media e immigrazione nel 2012 [Photograph: Media and Immigration in 2012], in Notizie fuori dal ghetto. Primo rapporto annuale Associazione Carta di Roma, Edizioni Ponte Sisto, Roma: 17-50.

2010 – volume – Europa e media locali [Europe and Local Media], Centro Europe Direct, Bologna.

2010 – chapter – Le identità religiose e il lavoro migrante [Religious Identities and Migrant Work], in Spini, Andrea (ed.) Il colore della pelle di Dio. Forme del razzismo contemporaneo, Mauro Pagliai Editore, Firenze: 143-148.

  • BA in Communication Sciences, University of Bologna, 2006
  • MA in Public, Social and Political Communication Sciences, University of Bologna, 2008
  • PhD in Social Sciences: Interactions, Communication, Cultural Constructions, University of Padua, 2012