Dr Adam Keen
Senior LecturerAs a qualified nurse I gained a varied level of experience in a multitude of clinical settings across the UK before specializing in Intensive Care nursing. Having an interest in how technology interfaced with healthcare led me to complete an MSc in Information Systems at the University of Chester. In 2003 I moved into nursing education at the University of Chester, where I later completed a MEd in Professional Education and a PhD which explored how clinical nurses (as an example of a professional group) accommodated and adjusted to the experience of master’s research. My teaching interests are varied and include various aspects of research and education.
My teaching responsibilities are varied and include:
• Postgraduate tutor
• Programme leader for PG Cert. Professional Education (includes responsibility for HEA Fellowship & NMC Stage 4 recognition judgments).
• Programme leader for MA. Education for Post Graduate Educational Practice.
• Deputy Programme leader for MEd. Professional Education.
• Module leader for NM7059 Dissertation (Generic master’s dissertation module).
• Module leader for NM7036 Learning and Assessment in Professional Education.
• Module leader for various modules in Bachelor of Nursing (BN) programme.
• Module leader for various modules in BA Health & Social Care programme.
• Supervision up to and including Level 8.
I am an External Examiner for the University of Bradford.
I have particular interest in the research experiences of students on professional programmes. This is best illustrated by my recent PhD research that focused on the processes of accommodation and adaptation used by clinical nurses engaged in master’s research and resulted the development of a theory of professional ontology. I have also interest in other aspects of pedagogical research and contribute to the Faculty’s Pedagogical Research Special Interest Group.
Keen A., Hosker N. (2011) Health Informatics in Hogston R., Marjoram B. (Eds) Foundations of Nursing Practice: Themes, Concepts & Frameworks 4th Edition, Palgrave: London
Mason T., Hinman P., Sadik R., Collyer D., Hosker N., Keen A. (2010) Values for Reductionism & Values for Holism in McCarthy J., Rose P. (Eds) Values Based Health & Social Care: Beyond Evidence Based Practice. Sage: London
Keen A. (2008) Data, Information & Knowledge in Mason-Whitehead E. et al (Eds) Key Concepts in Nursing. Sage Key Concepts Series. Sage.
Keen A. (2007) Writing for Publication: Pressures, Barriers and Support Strategies. Nurse Education Today. 7(5), 382-388.
Keen A. (2007) Small Group Learning: Greater than the Sum of its Parts? In: How to Teach in the 21st Century: Strategies for Healthcare Education, Woodhouse J. (Ed), Radcliffe Publishing.
Keen A. (2006) Health Informatics in Foundations of Nursing Practice. In: Hogston R & Marjoram B. (Ed.), Foundations of Nursing Practice 3rd Edition, Palgrave McMillan.
Keen A. (2001) Issues Relating to the Nursing Management of Haemofiltration. Nursing in Critical Care. 6(6), 273-278
Keen A. (2000) Critical Incident: Reflection on the Process of Terminal Weaning. British Journal of Nursing, 9(16): 1059-1062
Keen A. (2000) Continuous Positive Airway Pressure in the Intensive Care Unit: Uses & Implications for Nursing Management. Nursing in Critical Care, 5(3)
Keen A. (1996) A Condoms Tale (Condom Use & Sexual Attitudes) Nursing Times. 92(4)
- PhD
- M.Ed
- MSc.
- RN
I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy