Dr Gozde Turktarhan

Programme Leader International Fashion and Retail Marketing MSc

Chester Business School

She joined Chester Business School in 2022 after she completed her post PhD research in field of smart destinations and tourist behaviour at University of South Florida, USA. She completed her PhD in 2019. Her research focuses on smart tourism and tourism technologies, tourist behaviour and destination marketing. She is also serving as an assistant editor of Journal of Global Business Insights and assistant editor for social media of Journal Hospitality and Tourism Insights. She supervises undergraduate and postgraduate research.

  • Tourism Futures
  • Marketing Management
  • Management Research Methods
  • Smart Tourism and Tourism Technologies
  • Destination Marketing
  • Tourist Behaviour
  • Bibliometrics

Ali, F., Turktarhan, G., Chen, X., & Ali, M. (2022). Antecedents of destination advocacy using symmetrical and asymmetrical modelling techniques. The Service Industries Journal, 1-22.

Ali, F., Ali, L., Gao, Z., Terrah, A., & Turktarhan, G. (2022). Determinants of user's intentions to book hotels: a comparison of websites and mobile apps. Aslib Journal of Information Management, (ahead-of-print).

Gunduz Songur, A., Turktarhan, G., & Cobanoglu, C. (2022). Progress on green technology research in hotels: a literature review. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights.

Songur, A. G., & Turktarhan, G. (2022). 4 The role of social media marketing in the travel planning and decision-making processes of today’s travelers. Digital Marketing and Social Media Strategies for Tourism and Hospitality Organizations, 57.

Turktarhan, G., & Cicek, O. (2022). Smart tourism destinations and social media analysis. In Handbook on Tourism and Social Media (pp. 139-146). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Ozkul, E., & Turktarhan, G. Social-Psychological Issues in Tourism Business. In Routledge Handbook of Social Psychology of Tourism (pp. 266-279). Routledge.

Aleong, D. S., & Turktarhan, G. (2022). Companies with visionary leaders positioned for futuristic technology: Six case studies of benchmarks for survival. The Kafkas University Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences13(25), 267-299.

Türktarhan, G., & Kozak, N. (2022). The Impact of Destination Personality and Experience Quality on Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions. Journal of Faculty of Karaman Economic and Administrative Sciences, 24(42), 144-168.

Turktarhan, G., Aleong, D. S., & Aleong, C. (2022). Re-architecting the firm for increased value: How business models are adapting to the new AI environment. Journal of Global Business Insights, 7(1), 33-49.

Turktarhan, G., Gopalan, R., & Ozkul, E. (2021). Big Data and Business Intelligence in Hospitality and Tourism. University of South Florida (USF) M3 Publishing, 17(9781732127593), 5.

Turktarhan, G., & Aleong, C. (2021). How Platforms and Gamification Have Infiltrated Popular Culture?. Virtually Hosted, Florida, USA, 87.

Cobanoglu, C., Cavusoglu, M., & Turktarhan, G. (2021). A beginner’s guide and best practices for using crowdsourcing platforms for survey research: The Case of Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk). Journal of Global Business Insights, 6(1), 92-97.

Ali, F., Dogan, S., Turktarhan, G., & Cobanoglu, C. (2020). Hospitality Brands: What do consumers want during a pandemic? University of South Florida M3 Center Publishing. 

  • PhD in Tourism Management
  • MSc in Tourism Management
  • BA(Hons) in Tourism and Hotel Management