Dr Iris Lo

Programme Leader in BA Events Management

A dark grey silhouette on a light grey background

Iris is passionate about using events and games to connect people, foster creativity, stimulate thinking, and bring joy. With over a decade of experience in teaching, research, and consulting in events, tourism, and business management, she has had the privilege of educating thousands of students across three continents.

She is multidisciplinary and has adopted a range of research methodologies. Her research expertise is in ethnography, qualitative research, creativity tools and education.

Qualitative research method, Creativity, Events management, Events technology, Service quality management, Hospitality marketing, Strategic management, Business ethics, Tourism Planning, Entrepreneurship, International marketing strategy

Research Interests

Selected Publications:

Leung, R., & Lo, I. S. (2024). Can ChatGPT Inspire me? Evaluate Students’ Questioning Techniques on AI Tool for Overcoming Fixation. In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2024 (pp. ahead-of-print). Springer.

Lo, I.S. and McKercher, B. (2015). Ideal image in process: Online tourist photography and impression management, Annals of Tourism Research, 52, 104 - 116.

Lo, I.S., McKercher, B., Lo, A., Cheung, C., and Law, R. (2011). Tourism and Online Photography, Tourism Management, 32(4), 725-731.

Lo, S. T., & McKercher, R. D. (2016). Beyond imaginary of place: performing, imagining, and deceiving self through online tourist photography. In Tourism imaginaries at the disciplinary crossroads: place, practice, media (pp. 233-246). Ashgate.

Lo. I. S. & McKercher, B. (2011). Tourism, Online Photography, and Mediation of Self. Paper Presented at Imaginaries Touristiques/Tourism Imaginaries: An International Conference by TSWG, UC Berkeley & IREST, EIREST. February 18 – 20, 2011, Berkeley, California, USA.