Dr Mohammad Samar Ansari

Programme Leader in MSc Management of Information Systems and Digital Innovation*

School of Computer and Engineering Sciences
Dr Mohammad Samar Ansari

With a rich academic career spanning two decades across India, Ireland, and the UK, Dr. Samar Ansari is a seasoned educator and researcher of international renown.

His mentorship has been instrumental in guiding two PhD students to successful completion and supervising numerous Masters dissertations (around 40) and undergraduate projects (around 30), fostering a generation of scholars.

Dr. Ansari brings a global perspective to their work, having collaborated with researchers from diverse backgrounds and institutions worldwide, including, but not limited to, Ireland, Germany, USA, India, Pakistan, and the UK. His prolific publication record of over 140 high-quality publications underscores their expertise and contribution to the academic community.

Recognized as a Senior Member of IEEE, and an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA), Dr. Ansari exemplifies excellence in both teaching and research, making significant strides in advancing knowledge and nurturing future talent in their field.

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As an academic staff member, Dr. Samar Ansari brings a wealth of expertise to their teaching profile, spanning both undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) levels.

With a focus on engineering and technology, they instruct courses such as Control Systems Engineering, Biotechnology & Bioinformatics for Disease and Nutrition, and Electronic and Electrical Engineering Individual Projects, nurturing students' technical skills and research abilities.

His commitment extends to postgraduate education, where he guides students through advanced topics including AI for Modern Use-Cases, Applied Business Intelligence for Project Managers, Management of Risk, and Research Dissertation.

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Dr. Samar Ansari is a researcher with a Ph.D. in Recurrent Neural Networks, distinguished by a prolific research portfolio encompassing neural networks, machine learning, smart city applications, and deep learning for cybersecurity.

His research work has garnered substantial recognition, evidenced by funding totalling approximately £300,000 from esteemed research bodies including Enterprise Ireland; the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India; and the Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest, Ireland.

Dr. Ansari continues to spearhead cutting-edge research, focusing on the development of lightweight machine learning models tailored to modern use-cases, indicative of their commitment to innovation and practical application.

Additionally, he holds the role of Editor for Special Issues in two prestigious peer-reviewed journals, underscoring their influence in shaping discourse and disseminating ground-breaking advancements in the field of artificial intelligence and its applications.

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Selected Publications

Mohammad Samar Ansari. “A single-layer asymmetric RNN with low hardware complexity for solving linear equations”. In: Neurocomputing 485 (2022), pp. 74–88.

Mohammad Samar Ansari, Vaclav Bartos, and Brian Lee. “GRU-based deep learning approach for network intrusion alert prediction”. In: Future Generation Computer Systems (2021).

Syed Sahil Abbas Zaidi, Mohammad Samar Ansari, Asra Aslam, Nadia Kanwal, Mamoona Asghar, and Brian Lee. “A survey of modern deep learning based object detection models”. In: Digital Signal Processing 126 (2022), p. 103514.

Saeed Hamood Alsamhi, Faris Almalki, Ou Ma, Mohammad Samar Ansari, and Brian Lee. “Predictive Estimation of Optimal Signal Strength from Drones over IoT Frameworks in Smart Cities”. In: IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (2021).

Nadia Kanwal, Mamoona Naveed Asghar, Mohammad Samar Ansari, Martin Fleury, Brian Lee, Marco Herbst, and Yuansong Qiao. “Preserving chain-of-evidence in surveillance videos for authentication and trust-enabled sharing”. In: IEEE Access 8 (2020), pp. 153413–153424.


  • Bachelor of Technology (Electronics Engineering)
  • Master of Technology (Electronics Engineering)
  • Ph.D. (Electronics Engineering)
Guest Editor
28 Nov 2022 - 30 Sep 2023
Special Issue "Deep Learning Models and Applications to Computer Vision", Journal: Entropy
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
27 Nov 2019
Senior Member