Dr Toyosi Oyinloye


School of Computing and Engineering Sciences
A dark grey silhouette on a light grey background

Toyosi is the programme leader for MSc Cybersecurity. She has a PhD in Cybersecurity and background in Software Development and Database Management. She teaches in the area of Computer Science and Cybersecurity. Her areas of expertise include Ethical Hacking, Data Visualisation, Application Development and Database Management.

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Toyosi teaches final-year undergraduate computer programming with a focus on Swift programming language for iOS Development. She also teaches Cybersecurity modules at the postgraduate level. This includes Research Methods, and Software Exploitation which delves into different techniques for exploiting vulnerable applications written in C and C++ and how they can be protected.

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Toyosi' s recent research is on enhancing Software Protection via Inter-Process Control Flow Integrity. It aimed to mitigate Control Flow Hijacks in vulnerable binaries. She also has interest in studies relating to mitigating Social engineering attacks, and how Data Visualization is applied for incident response.

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Oyinloye, T., Speakman, L., & Eze, T. (2023). Ret-gadgets in RISC-V-based binaries resulting in traps for hijackers. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, (pp. 291-299). Academic Conferences International.

Oyinloye, T., Speakman, L., Eze, T., & O’Mahony, L. (2022). Watchdog monitoring for detecting and handling of control flow hijack on RISC-V-based Binaries. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 13(8), 2022.

Underhill, P., Oyinloye, T., Speakman, L., & Eze, T. (2022). Forensic trails obfuscation and preservation via hard drive firmwareEuropean Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security21(1), 419-428.

Oyinloye, T., Speakman, L. & Eze, T., “Inter-Process CFI for Peer/Reciprocal Monitoring in RISC-V-Based Binaries”, 21st European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ECCWS), 2021, England.

Oyinloye, T., Eze, T. & Speakman, L, “Towards Cyber-User Awareness: Design and Evaluation”, 20th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ECCWS), 2020, England.

1 Dec 2023
British Computer Society
1 Aug 2022