General policies
Information on our policies related to the protection of your information, for all individuals who engage with the University including general public & visitors to our website.

Studying with us
Information for course enquirers, applicants, current and former students, apprentices and other learners using training services (such as continued professional development, evening classes and careers advice).

Employed by us
Staff & Job Applicants: Information for job applicants, current and former staff, and any other temporary or ad-hoc workers for the University.

Higher Education Statistics Agency
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) is the official agency for the collection, analysis and dissemination of quantitative information about higher education.
On 4 October 2022 the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) merged with Jisc. HESA is now part of Jisc, a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, registered in England (company number: 05747339; charity number: 1149740). It continues to be funded by subscription from all of the universities and higher education colleges throughout the United Kingdom. HESA remains the official organisation for the collection, analysis and dissemination of quantitative information about higher education.
Between the relevant government departments, the higher education funding councils and the universities and colleges in 1993. It was following the White Paper “Higher Education: a new framework”, which called for more coherence in HE statistics, and the 1992 Higher and Further Education Acts, which established an integrated higher education system throughout the United Kingdom.
The University is required to send some of the information we hold about staff and students to HESA. Following the merger, Jisc is now the Controller of this personal data. Copies of the HESA collection notices for the staff, student and leavers survey may be found at
Collaborating with us
Information on how we use and protect personal data of individuals engaged in our outreach & widening participation with schools & colleges, partnerships, pesearch projects, alumni, donors and other stakeholder events and activities in our community.