A Student’s Guide on How to Get Through Clearing
If you’re thinking of entering Clearing, take a look at Ahmet’s top tips on how to get through it.

Hello, I'm Ahmet, a second-year student at the University of Chester. Two years ago, I was bawling my eyes out wondering if I will be able to go to university after not getting the results I’d hoped for. Then I discovered Clearing!
Clearing helps those students who haven’t got the grades they were expecting to get into university, as well as those who wish to change course or study at a different university than originally planned. Let’s go through some of my personal top tips on how to secure a place at university via Clearing.
Tip #1
Rise and shine. Get up early to view your results as soon as they are released. Universities usually release courses available through Clearing before results day; for your peace of mind, you can look at which courses and what universities will be best suited to you, so that if you do end up going through Clearing you know what your options are. The University of Chester’s undergraduate courses are available to view on their website.
Tip #2
Get on the phone. Ring your short-listed universities to check if there’s a place available on your preferred course. Be polite and try not to let your emotions get the better of you while you’re on the phone; simply enquire about potential Clearing opportunities, thank them for their time and move on to the next university on your list. If nothing else, try to stay calm and ask the Clearing staff any questions no matter how big or small because, as cliché as it sounds, there really are no silly questions. When you’re speaking to admissions try not to be disheartened if they can’t offer you a place. I rang five universities before securing a place on a Biological Sciences course at the University of Chester.
Tip #3
Apply ASAP. Once you have an offer that you’d like to accept, log on to UCAS Hub to add your Clearing choice. This year, you’ll be able to add your Clearing choice on UCAS Hub from 1pm onwards on results day. Once this is done, you can relax and enjoy the rest of the day while your application is being processed. I can personally vouch for this as I applied as soon as Clearing opened, which meant that I could spend the rest of the day with my supportive family.
Tip #4
Be open to other courses. So, your preferred course isn’t available through Clearing at your favourite university...no matter. Consider other courses with similar modules, for example, if you’re looking for a microbiology course but a university only has a biomedical science course available take it; you can still become a microbiologist with this degree. This doesn't just apply to the sciences, so make sure you research similar courses. Oh and make sure your course isn’t listed under a different name at different universities. Course lists tend to be listed alphabetically, so be careful not to miss your course due to it being listed as something else, e.g., if you want to study ‘dietetics’, it may appear as ‘nutrition and dietetics' and still cover the same content, except it will appear under ‘N’ as opposed to ‘D’. Don't get caught out!
Tip #5
Enjoy the experience. If you accept a place through Clearing, you will commence your course at the same time as all the other students. You’ll have the opportunity to enjoy Freshers’ Week and make new friends. So, no matter which route you applied through, give yourself a pat on the back and get ready to enjoy your university experience.
If you’re thinking of applying to the University of Chester through Clearing, you can ring the Clearing hotline (01244 567470) to speak to a member of staff or you can register your interest. The Clearing team is always eager to help applicants, just as they did with me two years ago. So, fingers crossed we'll see you this coming academic year. Good luck!