Emma’s Events Management Story: Keep Believing and Chasing your Dreams
We caught up with Emma, who ten years on from graduating in Events Management is producing celebrity events with an exclusive event company in Los Angeles.

Tell us about your career highlights
Producing Chris Martin’s 40th birthday party at his home in Malibu. The event was Willy Wonker themed and included chocolate slides and 8ft candy sticks. We built the entire event from scratch, with a team of 200+. It was on another level and I lost count of how many A-listers attended the event.
There was also a 350-guest wedding in the Met Museum in New York - it was one of my biggest events to date, with lots of people in and out. It all had to be done within 24 hours pre/post event so the logistics had to be perfectly timed.
Why did you choose Events Management?
Because I wanted to be Jennifer Lopez in the wedding planner and wear a headset. Only joking - I wanted to be involved in creating the best memories for people celebrating special milestones and occasions in life, seeing people’s faces when they are letting go and having fun makes it all worth it. So much goes into an event that is unknown to the guests that attend, I had no idea to what extent some events go to and I wanted to be involved in the madness.
What were your best moments at University?
Planning and organising my first event during my course - we did a boat cruise/dinner on the river; all my family were there and everyone had a great time. I enjoyed every bit of the planning and advertising side, which back then was all new to me.
Do you have advice for students and graduates?
Get as much experience as you can, at university alongside studying, or once you have graduated. I did two unpaid internships, one in my second year in Los Angeles and one once I graduated in New York. The experience and what I learnt during those months, at that stage of my career have got me to where I am now. I made so many connections which eventually led me to my dream job. Picking up different ways people do things and different approaches to tasks gives you such an insight and can help you figure out your way of doings things, which builds your confidence and teaches you so much.
Also, never give up - I got knocked back from numerous jobs after graduating purely down to my USA visa being declined. It took over three years to finally have one accepted and it ended up being with one of the most exclusive event companies in Los Angeles. Keep believing and chasing what you want as with enough passion and persistence you will get there.
We offer Events Management degrees at our Queen's Park site in Chester and at University Centre Shrewsbury, you can find our full range here.