Erin's Five Reasons to Study Nursing at Chester
Here are five reasons why you should study a Nursing degree at the University of Chester from student Erin.

One big difference between Nursing and other courses is the placements. Throughout the course there are placements where you get the opportunity to visit and work in all different areas of nursing such as community nursing and health visiting, sexual health centres, wards, A&E, and theatres just to name a few of the possible places. There are usually around an average of three placements every year so there is the opportunity to experience and learn in a variety of places.
Different teaching and assessment types
This course is perfect for people who learn by doing as it has a more hands-on approach. The aforementioned placements are just one of the varied ways in which the Nursing course approaches teaching. As well as learning through real experiences and hands-on learning during placements, there are also simulated skills sessions where there is the opportunity to learn new skills in a controlled environment. At the University of Chester, there are great facilities for these skills sessions. There are simulation suites, some of which are designed to look like a ward environment and others like a community setting. There is a virtual reality ‘cave’ where all four walls have projections on them which can simulate any interactive environment. As well as this, there are individual VR goggles to simulate interactive environments and can even show 3D renderings of the human body and all its systems. There are also in-person and online lectures as well as interactive activities for the more theoretical side of nursing. Alongside these different types of teaching are different types of assessments. As well as essays, there are also poster presentations, assessments of physical skills and online exams. This means that if you do not particularly excel at one kind of assessment you do not have to worry as there are others that will help to balance out your overall grades.
Qualify for an important job within healthcare
One of the best things about the Nursing course is that it qualifies you for a specific job so that when you graduate you are more prepared for your career than most. The course prepares you really well for work after university. This also means that when you are applying for jobs after the course you know that you will be qualified for new graduate nursing jobs. Furthermore, the job you are qualified for is such an important job within healthcare, as nurses are one of the biggest staff groups in the NHS.
Job opportunities all over the UK and abroad
There is a huge variety of jobs available in nursing. Some of these you will be able to experience through placements but due to the vast variety there will always be new experiences to be had. Nurses work all over the country and the world in all different types of jobs, from community and GPs to hospital wards and surgery to even on cruise ships and in the army. Nurses are everywhere. This means that at any point in your nursing career, there are always new and exciting opportunities to be had. The course also opens up the opportunity for various Master’s courses, including becoming dual qualified in two areas or in other areas such as specialist community public health nursing.
Pride in helping others
The reason a lot of people join Adult Nursing is because they feel a calling to the field and want to help others. During your training and once qualified there is a huge amount of pride in your job and in helping others. Every day, you will be able to go home knowing that you have helped to improve someone’s day just by doing your job. No two days are the same but there is still always a sense of achievement in both the theory of the course and the practical placements.
Find out more about studying Nursing at the University of Chester.