Subject Activities


Our industry experienced and friendly Chester Business School staff provide interactive and engaging tasters to give a feel for university study and inspire school and college groups to pursue Business and Finance into Higher Education and as a career. 

We can offer tasters for groups of about 25 year 12 or 13s, here at Chester Business School, at Queen’s Park in Chester.  We can also visit your school or college.  We may also be able to accommodate other year groups and can adapt our tasters to suit your specific curriculum requirements.  Please get in touch with us through outreach to arrange a taster and let us know what you need.

Here are some of the recent taster sessions we have offered:

  • Accounting and Finance
  • Artificial Intelligence and your business degree
  • Business Management
  • Diverse team roles and effective team building
  • Entrepreneurial Pitching
  • Finance with Banking


Our industry experienced and friendly Chester Business School staff provide interactive and engaging tasters to give a feel for university study and inspire school and college groups to pursue Marketing, Digital, Tourism and Events Management into Higher Education and as a career. 

We can offer tasters for groups of about 25 year 12 or 13s, here at Chester Business School at Queen’s Park in Chester.  We can also visit your school or college.  We may also be able to accommodate other year groups and can adapt our tasters to suit your specific curriculum requirements.  Please get in touch with us through outreach to arrange a taster and let us know what you need.

Here are some of the recent taster sessions we have offered:

  • Events Management taster
  • Marketing and Digital marketing taster and branding activity
  • International Tourism Management
  • Events Management



The English Language: Its Origin and Development

Where did English come from? How has it changed? Why isn’t the word busy spelt bisy? These are just some of the questions we will explore in this session. We will look at examples of written English from a number of periods, identifying key similarities and differences. We will explore how other languages have had an important influence on English, examining the contribution of Latin, French, Old Norse and others. Finally, we will look at how English has spread throughout the world by comparing some of its current varieties, tracing the language’s development from its earliest origins to its current global status.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

The English Lexicon: A Monster of a Language!

In this 45-minute session, students will be introduced to some of the ways in which linguists study the words (lexis) of the English language, using the Oxford English Dictionary online. Using the word monster as a starting point, the session investigates the etymology (origins) of words, and the grammaticalisation of the –STER suffix, which was originally a morpheme referring to a woman who performs an action (spinster; webster). We will also introduce students to the concept of semantic change and semantic shift, and the difference between denotational and connotational meaning. The word monster comes from a Latin root meaning ‘warn’, and has shifted in meaning over time from a supernatural creature to a pejorative term for a human, and now even has positive connotations in phrases such as ‘a monster guitar player’. This is a fun, engaging session in which students will begin to get a taste for what studying English Language at degree level is like.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

A Tour of English Word Classes

This session introduces students to the main word classes (parts of speech) in English: nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, determiners and conjunctions. We will discuss how we distinguish between different parts of speech. More specifically, we will explore how words are assigned into word classes based on their meaning (semantic criteria), their internal structure (morphological criteria), and the environment in which they occur in a sentence (syntactic criteria). We will also consider the questions of why we need the knowledge of word classes and how it can be used to study different areas of linguistics. The session will be supplemented with activities that students will be asked to complete during the lecture.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

Place-names, Surnames and the English Language

An interactive session which explores the history of the English language through the names of people and places. We will look at the different languages that have contributed towards place-names in England, and show how an understanding of these can enhance our knowledge of the development of the English language. A brief history of the linguistic development of surnames in England will also be presented, before a discussion of some of the students' surnames and what they tell us about family history. This is an interdisciplinary session which will demonstrate the important connection between history, culture and the English language.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

Language and Magic

A taught session which looks at how the historical development of the English language has left us with particular attitudes to different languages. Latin and French are usually associated with prestige and intelligence, while Old English, a Germanic language, is typically associated with the common man, authenticity and everyday life. With links to concepts of lexical register and etymology, this interactive session provides some historical context to these issues, and looks at how JK Rowling takes advantage of the relationship between English and Latin to create a linguistically engaging magical world for her characters in the Harry Potter books/ films.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

Debating Linguistic Prescriptivism and Other Language Controversies Using Interactive Online Blogs

This interactive seminar introduces students to some of the conflicts and controversies in the public and academic domains of English Language and linguistics and gives them the opportunity to contribute to a related interactive on-line blog. Students can make their own minds up whether football pundit Jamie Redknapp is ‘butchering’ English or being creative when he make claims such as “he literally chopped him in half in that challenge”. They can debate whether being tested on grammar at school (e.g. knowing what a ‘subjunctive’ is) will make them better writers. They can reflect on why English is a global language and whether native English speakers need to learn another language. And they can investigate whether ‘political correctness’ (e.g. substituting ‘fireman’ for ‘firefighter’) is sensible language regulation to avoid offence or erosion of freedom of speech. Students can prepare for the seminar by visiting the Language Debates blog site at:

Delivery: On Campus/Online

Alex Turner’s Vocals in Arctic Monkeys Songs: What do They Tell Us About Language, Dialect and Identity?

This interactive session looks at the relationship between language use and identity through the medium of the songs of Sheffield-based indie-rock band the Arctic Monkeys. Alex Turner was well-known for his use of his local Yorkshire accent and dialect in the band’s early albums, which include the fastest selling debut album ever by a British band. Over time though, his vocals have changed, moving away from his local accent and towards a more Americanised performance. This session explores how and why this happened, and how we study it as linguists.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

Snowflake Kids Get Lessons in Chilling”: Negative Labels and Stereotyping in the News Media

This interactive session encourages students to consider the influence of the news media in driving language change and also in perpetuating negative stereotypes. The focus is on the use of the word ‘snowflake’ and its rapid semantic shift from an ice crystal to “a person mockingly characterised as overly sensitive or easily offended” (OED). As members of ‘generation snowflake’ (i.e. allegedly anyone born after 2000 AD) students will consider why the Daily Star newspaper considers it newsworthy to regularly construct front page headlines such as “Don’t call us snowflakes or we’ll cry” and “Elf and safety snowflakes ban Xmas”, and to what extent that label sits comfortably with their own experiences. The session will also consider how and why certain words broaden their meanings and in whose power it is to spread them.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

“We Children Are Doing This to Wake the Adults Up” (Greta Thunberg): Waking Up to the Power of Inspirational Speech-making

This interactive session introduces students to the power of speeches to challenge what its speakers perceive as injustices such as climate change, racism and gender inequalities. It familiarises students with basic linguistic elements of rhetoric, such as the three-part list, antithesis (use of contrasts), metaphor and use of pronouns to connect with the audience. It uses clips from non-politicians, such as climate activist Greta Thunberg’s address to the Houses of Parliament, Emma Watson’s gender equality speech to the United Nations and Martin Luther King’s famous ‘I have a dream’ speech, to show how a skilful delivery of spoken oratory in the right circumstances can have a major impact on world affairs.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

“Everything has changed” or has it? Taylor Swift’s accent shifts.

This interactive session and pop-up exhibition use Taylor Swift as a key example to explore how language varies and changes depending on our own identity, and the identity of who we are talking to. Students will be encouraged to listen to, and think about, language variation in the music, TV, and films that they are currently listening to and/or watching to consider how language forms a key part of our identity.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

An Introduction to Studying English Literature at University

This interactive session introduces students to studying English Literature at university. It may include discussions of the importance of close critical reading, engaging with biography and historical context, and using literary criticism and theory.

It can cover:

  • Studying novels.
  • Studying plays.
  • Studying poetry.

For information about BA (Hons) English Literature.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

Atonement and the Significance of Intertextuality

This seminar uses Ian McEwan’s Atonement to introduce students to intertextuality. Students will explore why those intertextualities exist, and consider the meaning of intertextuality as a whole. We will look at extracts from the novel, the novels which Atonement echoes, and the film adaptation. The session aims to expand the students’ knowledge of intertextuality, enhance their close analysis skills and broaden their understanding of the role of literature.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

Heredity and Character in Wuthering Heights

A session on how Victorian ideas about race, heredity, and the supernatural influenced Emily Brontë’s creation of Heathcliff – arguably one of the most monstrous and alluring characters in English Literature. This includes a short discussion of a late-Victorian critic who tried to impose racist ideologies onto Wuthering Heights.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

Historic Newspaper Databases: America (1789-1924)

This activity requires internet access and introduces students to the Library of Congress’ free online database of historic newspapers (Chronicling America), and to other free databases in specific states. Students will be sent a worksheet in advance with tips about research methods and possible topics and keywords. Students may then come prepared with keywords and topics they want to try. The workshop can be tailored to suit groups with a specific interest (for example, slavery, or the Frontier), and provides guidance on how to adjust research methods to improve our results, how to interpret our findings – and, above all, an opportunity to reflect upon our research process. Suitable for students of American Literature, Culture, or History 1789-1924.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

How My Research Went Wrong/ Researching Influences

This session introduces students to the challenges of HE research – where making mistakes is the best way to discover new things! I introduce students to two research tasks where I began with completely mistaken assumptions about how poets Keats and Wordsworth changed aspects of British culture, and then show how I turned these mistakes into far more exciting new projects. This session includes a short discussion on research methods for investigating how a specific historical or cultural event can change the world.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

"If you really want to hear about it":  Storytelling and The Catcher In The Rye

In this seminar we will use Jerome David Salinger's famous novel as a focus for a discussion of different ways of storytelling.  Holden Caulfield informs us that he will not tell us his 'whole goddam autobiography or anything', but we do learn quite a lot about him as he 'talks' to us.  How reliable or trustworthy is he as a narrator though? And what is our response, as readers of his story?

Delivery: On Campus/Online

Jane Austen and Material Culture

This seminar will enable students to analyse the role of material culture in the novels of Jane Austen (specifically Northanger Abbey, Pride and Prejudice, and Mansfield Park). Students will consider aspects of the texts such as dress, objects, and cultural identity through focused analysis of these materials in specific extracts – including screen adaptations of the texts. This session will enhance close analysis skills and allow learners to develop their cultural and contextual understanding of Austen’s works.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

Poetry in Action: Romeo and Juliet, Hands and Lips

How does Shakespeare dramatise the first meeting of his most famous lovers? This session will explore the ways in which rich poetic language combines with action to create a memorable encounter. What would be your choice of words if you were trying to interest somebody you felt an attraction to? And what might you do?  Here we will be thinking about words and their power and the way we can play with them, but we will also consider the many non-verbal ways we communicate with, and interact with, others.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

Rewriting History in Addams Family Values: the First Thanksgiving

This seminar allows students to analyse a clip from a family comedy film in which children at summer camp are forced to act out a play about the Pilgrim Fathers and Native Americans. The session encourages students to ask who controls representations of history, the distortion or silencing of minority experiences in popular culture, and how audiences respond to texts that reinforce or challenge their world view. This fun seminar is also an introduction to some of the key theoretical approaches students will use at university.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

Satan, Rebellion, and Protest in Romanticism

A lively short session about the influence of Milton’s epic poem Paradise Lost on Romantic poets like Blake, Byron, and Shelley, and the significance of the rebellious Byronic hero in Western culture. This session includes a group discussion of Byron’s 1812 speech in the House of Lords, where he attacked the rich and powerful and sought justice for workers damaged by the Industrial Revolution. A section of Byron’s speech can be supplied on paper but, ideally, accessing it online via Parliament’s Hansard database during the session will give students an opportunity to explore freely available online research resources.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

"A symbol to the nation. A hero to the world": Superheroes Fighting Propaganda in Captain America: The Winter Soldier

This seminar explores the potential for political critique not only of, but within superhero movies. We begin with a short talk on representations of warfare in literature (from Homer, to the World Wars, to the present day). The rest of the seminar focuses on group analysis and discussion of two clips from a mainstream superhero movie where the hero reflects upon his personal wartime experience – and on the ways his experience has been exploited by his country. The seminar enables students to practice critical thinking and analysis of film techniques and literature, and to make connections to civic values and world history.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

Reading Flash Fiction: A Seminar

This session introduces students to reading flash fiction (short stories of up to 360 words), and to the seminar experience that is a key part of English Literature degrees. Students will analyse interesting flashes, with close attention to language, theme, and literary form, and will be encouraged to participate in group discussion. This is an engaging, interactive session that gives students the opportunity to experience the seminar environment and to develop their skills of literary analysis.

The seminar will be led by Drs Peter Blair and Ashley Chantler, directors of the International Flash Fiction Association and organizers of the National Flash Fiction Youth Competition.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

Jekyll and Hyde and late-Victorian monstrosity

Focusing on Robert Louis Stevenson’s Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886), this seminar introduces students to late-Victorian anxieties about how urbanisation, crime, race, and ‘degeneration’ might turn the Victorian gentleman into a monstrous villain. Students will have opportunity to consider sources from the period, allowing them to re-examine Stevenson’s gothic tale with a greater understanding of its original cultural contexts.

Delivery: On Campus/Online


An Introduction to Studying Creative Writing at University

This interactive session introduces students to how Creative Writing is studied at university. It may include discussions of the relationship between reading and writing, inspiration and practice, and drafting and refining.

It can cover:

  • Writing fiction.
  • Writing plays.
  • Writing poetry.

For information about BA (Hons) Creative Writing.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

The Empty Room and The Character Box

Through two writing exercises you will be encouraged to develop a mini-drama and a three-dimensional character during this interactive session. All you need to bring along is something to write with, something to write on, and your creative imagination. I will provide the necessary prompts to help you to complete these enjoyable and stimulating exercises. You will leave with your own short play and your very own character box.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

Making Monsters: A Creative Session

In this creative writing workshop, we will start by looking at some famous monsters from literature, including Grendel and his mother, Shakespeare's Iago, Lady Macbeth and Caliban, Milton's Satan, and Frankenstein's monster. Participants will then have the chance to create their own monster through some writing exercises.  This session is bound to be hideous fun as we engage with the darker side of the human imagination.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

Writing Flash Fiction: A Workshop

This workshop introduces students to writing flash fiction (short stories of up to 360 words), and to the workshop process that is a key part of Creative Writing degrees. Students will discuss good examples of very short stories, which they will then use as prompts for writing their own flash fiction. This is a fun, interactive session that gives students the opportunity to experience the writing-workshop process and to come away having written, or at least begun, an original story.

The workshop will be led by Drs Peter Blair and Ashley Chantler, directors of the International Flash Fiction Association and organizers of the National Flash Fiction Youth Competition.

Delivery: On Campus/Online

Geography and Environment

We run a range of study days and taster events for students of Geography from Years 7-13. Details of forthcoming events will be posted here. If you would like to make enquiries about these events, please contact the University Outreach team on Alternatively follow us on social media to keep up to date with all planned events.

Aimed at GCSE and A-Level students, our Geobites talks are designed to provide case studies and examples that map onto current studies to enrich learning. Each session is presented by a member of academic staff from the Department of Geography and Environment, and draws on their own teaching and research.

Our Geography Kitchen Sessions were designed and delivered during the Pandemic to give school pupils the chance to find out more about a particular area of Geography and experience first-hand what online learning could look like.

History and Archaeology

Mobility of Objects Across Boundaries: Medieval/Early Modern Keys and a Goldsmiths’ chest from the Grosvenor Museum Chester

How did medieval people protect their worldly goods? This film is part of the Mobility of Objects Across Boundaries (MOB) network, a collaborative, interdisciplinary project funded by an AHRC network grant, which reconsiders the history of material culture in the period AD 1000-1700. This film starts with an introduction of the MOB project by Dr Leah R. Clark (The Open University) and Dr Katherine Wilson (University of Chester). This is followed by a close examination of medieval keys and a Goldsmiths' chest by Elizabeth Montgomery (Collections and Interpretation Officer) in the Grosvenor Museum, Chester. This film showcases the keys that were important tools in keeping possessions safe as well as an early modern Goldsmiths’ chest, which required two keys to open it.  But what’s inside the chest?

Curriculum themes link: Migration, empires and the people c790 to the present day/Norman England, c1066-c1100/Medieval England: the reign of Edward I, 1272-1307/Elizabethan England, c1568-1603/Local Studies

Mobility of Objects Across Boundaries: Medieval/Early Modern Pilgrim badges and devotional tokens from the Grosvenor Museum Chester.

Are souvenirs a modern phenomenon? This film is part of the Mobility of Objects Across Boundaries (MOB) network, a collaborative, interdisciplinary project funded by an AHRC network grant, which reconsiders the history of material culture in the period AD 1000-1700. This film starts with an introduction of the MOB project by Dr Leah R. Clark (The Open University) and Dr Katherine Wilson (University of Chester). This is followed by a close examination of pilgrim badges and devotional tokens by Elizabeth Montgomery (Collections and Interpretation Officer) in the Grosvenor Museum, Chester. This film showcases how medieval and Renaissance pilgrims travelled to shrines and brought home with them tokens as keepsakes of their journey.

Curriculum themes link: Migration, empires and the people c790 to the present day/Norman England, c1066-c1100/Medieval England: the reign of Edward I, 1272-1307/Elizabethan England, c1568-1603/Local Studies

Mobility of Objects Across Boundaries: Medieval/Early Modern Tiles from the Grosvenor Museum Chester.

What did floor tiles in churches and elite domestic interiors look like in medieval times? This film is part of the Mobility of Objects Across Boundaries (MOB) network, a collaborative, interdisciplinary project funded by an AHRC network grant, which reconsiders the history of material culture in the period AD 1000-1700. This film starts with an introduction of the MOB project by Dr Leah R. Clark (The Open University) and Dr Katherine Wilson (University of Chester). This is followed by a close examination of medieval floor tiles by Elizabeth Montgomery (Collections and Interpretation Officer) in the Grosvenor Museum, Chester. This includes a discussion of the design on these colourful tiles, including the famous 3-hare tile from Chester cathedral, which copies motifs from a cave in Dunhuang China, dating from the 6th/7th centuries CE, demonstrating how motifs and ideas circulated long distances in the medieval period.

Curriculum themes link: Migration, empires and the people c790 to the present day/Norman England, c1066-c1100/Medieval England: the reign of Edward I, 1272-1307/Elizabethan England, c1568-1603/Local Studies

Mobility of Objects Across Boundaries: Medieval/Early Modern Shoes from the Grosvenor Museum Chester.

What did people wear on their feet and what did their shoes look like? This film is part of the Mobility of Objects Across Boundaries (MOB) network in History at the University of Chester, a collaborative, interdisciplinary project funded by an AHRC network grant, which reconsiders the history of material culture in the period AD 1000-1700. This film starts with an introduction of the MOB project by Dr Leah R. Clark (The Open University) and Dr Katherine Wilson (University of Chester). This is followed by a close examination of leather medieval shoes by Elizabeth Montgomery (Collections and Interpretation Officer) in the Grosvenor Museum, Chester. This film brings medieval feet to life, by showing how these rare surviving shoes still bear signs of use, where an individual’s toes have stretched the leather in places. Stitch holes also hint at how these shoes were made and recycled.

Curriculum themes link: Migration, empires and the people c790 to the present day/Norman England, c1066-c1100/Medieval England: the reign of Edward I, 1272-1307/Elizabethan England, c1568-1603/Local Studies

An Outreach Guide to Digital Skills in History

Listen and learn from Dr Hannah Ewence, Senior lecturer in History at the University of Chester who talks about the role that digital technologies play in the teaching, research and dissemination of History.

Diverse Narratives: Cheshire in the First World War

In recent years, historians of the First World War have turned their attention from the story of the wartime ‘Tommy’ to focus on the other groups and peoples involved. The Diverse Narratives project, organised by Dr Hannah Ewence and Professor Tim Grady, explored how many of these lesser known histories played out in Cheshire. The project website contains stories amongst others about Belgian refugees, Jewish fighters and German prisoners of war who all experienced the conflict from Cheshire.

Curriculum themes link: Britain: migration empires and the people c.790 to the present day/Migration to Britain c1000 to c2010

Maths, Computing and Engineering

Mathematics, computing and engineering power the advances in the modern world, from AI to data science and from the built world to the virtual.  Join us to hear from our approachable, dedicated, and research-driven academics about what it’s like to study these fields at Chester.  Be inspired by the beauty, intrigued by the questions and amazed by the impact of these subjects and discover how it will lead to a successful and fulfilling career for you.

We can offer tasters for groups of about 25 year 12 or 13s, here on the main Exton Park campus in Chester.  We can also visit your school or college.  We may also be able to accommodate other year groups and can adapt our tasters to suit your specific curriculum requirements.  Please get in touch with us through outreach to arrange a taster and let us know what you need.

We have recently offered tasters in the following areas:

  • Mathematics
  • Computer Science
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Science
  • Software Engineering
  • Game Design and Development
  • Cybersecurity
  • Computer Science and electronic engineering

Music, Media and Performance

Performing Pathways is the University of Chester’s own Applied Theatre Company, based at the Creative Campus, Kingsway working within the Music, Media and Performance Department. It was set up as a graduate scheme to employ and train former students to understand and gain experience in terms of how the performing arts sector functions and benefits society. Performing Pathways are extremely versatile and have a range of different roles which often vary depending on what they are needed for. Whether that be facilitating an open day for the department to help student recruitment or delivering interactive workshops alongside the Outreach department to cohere with their events aimed at widening participation.

The current team consists of Holly Roberts, Popular Music Performance BA graduate and Dina Robinson, Dance BA and MA graduate.


Room: CKW145
Phone: 01244 515834

Performing Pathways work alongside the Univeristy's Outreach team delivering performative and interactive activities in conjunction with their sessions both face to face and online supporting students throughout their educational pathway and increasing their awareness of Higher Education. They are inclusive to all with practical engagement, providing children with the knowledge and skills to support their transition into their next educational pathway and enhance effective decision making. These are delivered to Primary, Secondary and College students throughout the year either based in your school, college or at one of our Univeristy campuses when the road map allows us or for now they can be adapted for online delivery. They are suitable for students from year 6 up until year 13 focussing on different aspects of their educational pathway,

If you would like to book any of the specific live workshops presented below for your school please contact Outreach at

Natural Sciences

Discover the exciting world of natural sciences at Chester, where we explore the complexities of the natural world. From studying microscopic organisms to understanding the drivers of animal behaviour and ecological interactions, our friendly, dedicated academics will guide you through a fascinating journey of scientific discovery. Join us to learn how these subjects not only spark curiosity but also contribute to meaningful advancements in research, conservation, and society, leading to impactful careers in these fields.

We offer personalized taster sessions for student groups at our Exton Park campus in Chester. Alternatively, we can visit your school or college, tailoring our sessions to suit different year groups or curriculum needs. Reach out to our outreach team to arrange a taster session and let us know how we can support your learning experience.

Here are some of the recent taster sessions we have offered:

  • Microscopy: wet and dry slide mounting of buccal swaps, plant tissues and pollen
  • Owl pellet dissection
  • Anatomy demonstrations; interacting with live and preserved specimens
  • Animal behaviour taster sessions
  • Species ID and Bioblitz
  • Comparative anatomy; bone break tension sessions
  • Laboratory tours and career talks 

Sport and Exercise Science

The University of Chester has a long tradition in delivering physical education and sports science degrees. Our undergraduate courses offer a diversity of approaches and educational opportunities, delivered with a balance of theoretical and practical skills.

Get connected with our social media channels:

Sports Week is an online event featuring talks and workshops delivered by the academic staff from out Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences.

Originally delivered live in June 2021, recordings of our 'Sports Week' sessions can be viewed via the links below and cover the following subject areas: Anatomy & Physiology, Biomechanics, Fitness testing & use of lab equipment Sports Psychology and Sports Sociology

Sports Week sessions are aimed at post 16 A-Level PE and BTEC Sports students and teaching staff and are designed to provide a 20 -30 minute session to complement some common curriculum topics.

Session Title & Link Session Details

Anatomy & Physiology - Watch the session recording

Physiological adaptations to exercise 
Curriculum links:  The cardiorespiratory and cardiovascular systems and how they respond acutely, both structurally and functionally, to the stress of warming up and immediate physical or sporting activity.
The Physiological effects of climate and/or altitude.
Curriculum links: Preparation for performance at altitude, in heat or in humidity,  Exercise and altitude, Altitude training.

Biomechanics - Watch the session recording

Kinematics and kinetics of movement (incl. lab demonstrations)
Curriculum links:  Newtons Laws applied to sporting movement, Analysisng movement through the use of technology; Force plates.
Fitness testing with VO2 max - Watch the session recording Response to exercise: Measurement of VO2max (Lab based assessment)
Curriculum links: VO2max, Methods of evaluating aerobic capacity, laboratory test of VO2max using direct gas analysis, Factors affecting VO2max.
Sports Sociology - Watch the session recording Sport & Social Class: Polo & Pimms or Football & Fosters
Curriculum links: How social and cultural factors shaped the characteristics of, and participation in, sports and pastimes. Characteristics of society and impact on sporting recreation. 
Sports Psychology - Watch the session recording Motivation
Curriculum links: Types of motivation, Individual differences, task/ego orientation.

If you would like any more information about studying Sport and Exercise Science at the University of Chester, or would like to arrange any subject based activity for your school or college, please get in touch with us via email to

Theology and Religious Studies

These often work best if you cluster with nearby schools.  We prefer to speak to groups of 25 students or more.  Please get in touch to discuss your needs. We will always include a twenty-minute minimum session on why study T/RS at degree level and an introduction to life as an undergraduate @TRSChester.

Possible topics for workshops, delivered by world-leading subject specialists (approx. 40 minutes – but timing negotiable) include:

  • Theological ethics, incl. natural law, situation ethics, virtue ethics approaches to particular topics, e.g. ‘Can a good person eat meat?’ ’Is Aquinas right that there’s a natural law above all human laws?’
  • Islamic Feminism
  • Sufism and Poetry
  • On the value (or otherwise) of Religious Experience
  • Religious Language
  • Topics in Christian belief and practice
  • Sessions on the ideas of philosophers and theologians, e.g. Augustine, Barth, Bonhoeffer, Calvin, Kant, Luther, Moltmann, Rahner
  • Christian beliefs about life after death
  • Abortion
  • Religion and sexuality
  • Feminist Theology
  • Liberation Theology
  • Is Religion dying? Religion and secularisation
  • Arguments for the Existence of God
  • Problem of Evil

We also offer the following workshops:

  • Writing skills: Defending an argument, using sources, coming to a conclusion (20 mins)
  • UCAS Applications and writing a personal statement (20 mins)
  • University fees – reassurance and explanation (20 mins)

If you are interested in running a half-day workshop (and can provide a group of 25 or more students), please contact our Outreach team