Travel and Transport

The University’s Travel Plan is currently being developed to provide a comprehensive strategy for the University in its entirety, for the period 2022 - 2030. It includes University-wide objectives and targets, an action plan for delivery of a range of measures and details the monitoring mechanisms we will use to chart our progress.
The successful delivery of the travel plan will ensure that we are not only improving our environment by reducing vehicular emissions, localised congestion, and improving air quality, we are also maximising the accessibility of our campuses and buildings for the University community both now, and in the future.
We want you to have your say on our transport provision!
Active Travel
Our aim is to facilitate an increase in active travel use by staff, students and visitors for travel to and between University sites.
Walking, cycling and wheeling offer clear financial and health benefits over other forms of transport. Switching to these modes also has a positive impact on demand for University car parking, localised congestion and air quality.
Public Transport
Our aim is to augment public transport accessibility for staff, students and visitors.
Public transport plays a pivotal role in the provision of a sustainable transport system by offering an affordable way of connecting people with place. For students at the University of Chester, Stagecoach offers the Merseyside Plus Unirider that allows you to travel anywhere throughout Merseyside and Chester from 98p a day. If you are aged between 16 and 25 or are a mature student enrolled in full-time study, you may be eligible for a 16-25 Railcard or a 26-30 Railcard. A minimum fare of £12 applies for journeys before 10am on weekdays (excluding Advance Fares). If you are over 25 or travel on a regular basis a Season Ticket could be the best way to save money.
Car Use
Our aim is to reduce reliance on the car, more specifically on single occupancy ICE vehicles.
We recognise that for some trips, and some people, having access to a car can be valuable. As such the University will seek to encourage these trips to be made in as sustainable a manner as possible, either by encouraging car sharing, use of more environmentally friendly vehicles or by promoting eco-driving techniques. In turn, this can help to improve local air quality and make Chester a more attractive city in which to work and study.