Withdrawal of Student Visa Sponsorship

The University is responsible for monitoring and reporting changes to sponsored students’ academic status, as this may affect their Student visa. In certain circumstances, the University is required to withdraw visa sponsorship. The reasons for sponsorship withdrawal are unique to each individual.

The information below does not explain the specific reasons which led the University to withdraw your visa sponsorship, as they are unique to each individual. Reasons your sponsorship might be withdrawn include, but are not limited to: 

  • Successful completion of studies more than 1 month earlier than the expected course end date on your CAS.
  • Persistent absence from classes.
  • Falsely checking in to classes.
  • Termination of studies due to non-submissions and/or academic failure.
  • Termination of studies due to a proven breach of the Academic Conduct Policy.
  • Failure to enrol before the enrolment deadline
  • Interruption of studies.
  • Financial suspension of studies.

It is important to understand what we mean by “withdrawal of visa sponsorship” and what will happen during this procedure.

What Does Withdrawal of Visa Sponsorship Mean?

If the University has notified you that your sponsorship has been withdrawn, it means that:

1.1 There has been a change to your academic status.

1.2 The University will no longer be your immigration sponsor.

1.3 The University has contacted the Home Office to withdraw the sponsorship of your visa.

1.4 Your visa will be curtailed (shortened) unless there is already less than 60 days left on your visa.

1.5 You are required to leave the UK or apply for a different type of visa in the UK.

What Are the Responsibilities of the University of Chester?

The Home Office granted you a Student Visa which comes with conditions which must be met to keep the visa valid. Some of the rules relate to minimum levels of attendance, and some relate to maintaining enrolment on your course on a full-time basis.

2.1 If you are no longer able to meet the study conditions of your Student visa, the University is legally responsible for withdrawing your immigration sponsorship and informing the Home Office within 10 working days of your change of academic status.

2.2 The University is procedurally responsible for informing you that immigration sponsorship has been withdrawn. The University of Chester will write to your university email address and your personal email address.

2.3 If you have already left the UK, please write to studyvisa@chester.ac.uk to inform us and attach a copy of your flight tickets or boarding pass to that email to show the date that you left the UK.

What Are the Responsibilities of the Home Office?

When immigration sponsorship is withdrawn, the Home Office will take the following actions:

3.1 If you have more than 60 days remaining on your current visa, they will curtail (shorten) your visa.

3.2 The Home Office will contact you by letter and/or email to confirm the curtailment of your current visa. This letter will give you a date by which you must leave the UK.

3.3 If you have less than 60 days remaining on your current visa, they will expect you to leave the UK before the end of the visa.

Important: It is your responsibility to ensure you regularly check your emails (including the junk folder) for emails from the Home Office. You may wish to update your email account’s white list to accept all emails with “.gov.uk” in the domain.

What Are Your Responsibilities?

You are responsible for ensuring that you meet the visa conditions of stay granted to you as a student in the UK.

4.1 You are responsible for providing the University and the Home Office with your correct addresses and contact details. Whilst your student status is still “current” you can check and update your currently held address and contact details in eVision on Portal.

4.2 Following the university’s submission of the report to the Home Office, you should leave the UK within 60 days or submit a further visa application to the Home Office within 60 days.

Bear in mind that if you have not yet been awarded the full degree which your Student visa was issued for you to study towards, it is unlikely that you will be permitted to remain in the UK, as the Home Office generally do not permit you to make a fresh visa application inside the UK if you have not yet received your full degree award from your last period of study.

4.3 If you decide to remain in the UK after the University has withdrawn your immigration sponsorship, the University of Chester will be unable to assist or advise you. You are responsible for sourcing any immigration advice or guidance external from the University of

4.4 You must not attend the University following the withdrawal of your student visa sponsorship. You no longer have the Right to Study in the UK. Attempts to continue to attend classes or use any University facilities will be dealt with by campus security.

4.5 If you leave the UK, then from that point your visa will automatically expire on the date you leave the UK, even if you leave prior to the end of the curtailment period. You should not attempt to use the same visa to return to the UK, you would be refused entry to the UK at Border Control.

Important: You must not overstay your visa permission, considering any updated “curtailed” visa end date. Overstaying your visa permission in the UK leads to penalties that escalate depending on the length of overstay, culminating in a 10 year ban to the UK. Overstay of any length of time, even one day, will be considered by Home Office caseworkers when you make any future visa applications to the UK.

Protecting Your Visa

There are several rules and requirements you need to follow as a student to protect your visa. Please watch the Visa Compliance presentation on the portal to learn all about them. You can also access our guidance by clicking this link. Some of the key requirements are:

5.1 Maintain attendance in classes over 80% (85% for foundation year students). You must record your attendance by checking into classes. Here is the guide to how to check in: Class Check-In Guide.

5.2 Remain in the UK during term-time. Plan any overseas travel during the official vacations as detailed on Vacation Dates.

5.3 Do not exceed the work restrictions of your visa. Your visa will tell you whether you can work 10 or 20 hours per week, and there are certain types of work that are prohibited. Further information is available here: Student Work.

5.4 Keep your contact details up to date with the University by updating eVision on Portal with any changes to your addresses or contact details within 7 days.

5.5 Ensure you complete your enrolment. Failure to do so may result in your visa being revoked without grounds for appeal.

Voluntary Withdrawal / Finishing Early

6.1 If you decide to leave your course early, you must inform the University. If you are returning home or going to study at a different institution, you need to let the University know by emailing your PAT and studyvisa@chester.ac.uk. The University will inform the Home Office.

6.2 If you switch to a different immigration status part-way through your studies, you must inform the University. Please send a copy of your new visa to studyvisa@chester.ac.uk. It is likely that you can continue studies without any issue, as most UK visas convey the Right to Study.

6.3 If you successfully complete your course earlier than the expected course end date as detailed on your CAS, then the University must report the early completion to the Home Office. This means that immigration sponsorship will be withdrawn and your student visa curtailed to the appropriate wrap-up period. For example, if you were studying a 4-year undergraduate degree program, which includes a placement year, and you later decide to drop the placement year (resulting in you completing your course 1 year early), then you will be given the same 4- month visa wrap-up period at the end of your new course end date.

Appeal a Decision

7.1 Once a decision is made which changes your student status, your visa will be withdrawn even if you choose to appeal this decision. If you appeal against a decision that resulted in the changes to your student status and your appeal is not upheld, then the University will withdraw immigration sponsorship and you will need to leave the UK unless you have switched to a different immigration category which allows you to remain in the UK. However, if your appeal is successful and your studies are reinstated, please inform studyvisa@chester.ac.uk as a matter of urgency so we can discuss your options with you, which may include reinstatement of your previous visa, or a fresh visa application.

7.2 Students must appeal within 10 days of receiving their published result/outcome and can only appeal on specific grounds, such as procedural irregularities in the conduct of the assessment process, illness/personal circumstances, or in cases relating to academic
conduct, the student not being able to mount a defence to the allegation. A full list of the grounds for appeal can be found in the policy and guidance on the University website here. For any procedural queries, students can contact academic.appeals@chester.ac.uk, or if they would like independent support and guidance through the process, they should contact Chester Students’ Union.

7.3 Once you have submitted your appeal, this will be acknowledged by Academic Services and will be reviewed in full. The time it takes for an appeal to be resolved will vary, depending on the nature and complexity of the appeal, though the team will look to resolve your appeal as quickly as possible. This will usually take no more than 60 days, however it may take longer in certain circumstances, where the appeal is particularly complex.

Additional Support

We understand that withdrawal of your immigration sponsorship can be a difficult and stressful time. If your wellbeing has been affected, you can access the below services to support you during this process.

For more information related to Student sponsorship withdrawal and immigration advice you can visit: