I’m a little lost, honestly. Not quite sure how I got here.
Could’ve sworn my bedroom led to the living room.
This is the day. Makes sense in a nonsensical way. Madness is like that, surely? It picks a day like your dad looking through the fruit and vegetables. No, no. They aren’t ripe yet. This one? Tough, healthy. Good watermelon.
I’m currently stood in my garden, wearing my dressing gown and boxers. Not exactly my Sunday best. I better go back before I catch a cold.
Hm. That’s funny. Insanity is quite amusing. It raises questions like these. How does my bedroom connect to my garden, but my garden not return to the bedroom?
Sheila is going to have a field day when she finds me. What am I doing moping around the house? Go to work! Put some bloody clothes on. That’s what she’ll say. Or maybe, have you fed the dog this morning, John? I certainly would, if I knew how to reach the living room.
Ah, perhaps I’ve found the solution for my problem. Psychosis is quite manageable, really. One navigates their mind in a simply complicated process; it’s like going from one place to another in random sequence, piecing everything together. It all connects eventually, then revelation occurs. That’s what I ought to do. Keep going through doors.
Now how did I end up here? This is the bistro I go to on my lunch break. This is embarrassing, I’m not even dressed! Better go back before anyone spots me. What would Sheila think?
I’ve got to say, I’m very lost. I appear to be in the middle of nowhere. Where could this be? Maybe it’s Mongolia. There’s a hut behind me and I think they still live in those. Why am I here? I’ve never gone to Mongolia. Don’t fancy leaving England much.
Let’s try again.
Success! I’m back in my bedroom. I’ll get dressed before any more nonsense occurs. Can’t be indecent and nuts. I reckon that’s a bad combo.
Here’s my conundrum. I have to go to work and I’m utterly lost. I’ll try just once more …