Changing Chester

A strand of the Cestrian English project, supported by funding from the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Chester, exploring depictions of Chester, past and present, in partnership with Cheshire Archives & Local Studies and Cheshire Life.
Changing Chester is an on-line space which showcases the many ways the historic city of Chester has been represented over time in print and other visual media – from the Domesday Survey (1086) to the recent Chester Market development - in tourist guides, magazines, advertising, fiction, TV and other genres.
"As I am now at Chester, 'tis proper to say something of it, being a city well worth describing: Chester has four things very remarkable in it. 1. Its walls, which are very firm, beautiful, and in good repair. 2. The castle, which is also kept up, and has a garrison always in it. 3. The cathedral. 4. The River Dee, and 5. the bridge over it."
— Daniel Defoe (author of Robinson Crusoe), c1724, A tour thro' the whole island of Great Britain
We also want to hear about your experiences of Chester, whether you are a current / former Chester resident or a visitor. We’d like to gather your impressions of Chester (including any photographs / drawings you’d be prepared to share) including responses to any of the extracts on the Changing Chester link below. We would then like publish them on the ‘Chester Through Your Eyes’ section, with your permission.
"Chester has the most complete city walls, the oldest racecourse and the largest Roman Amphitheatre in Britain, plus a 1000 year old Cathedral with Europe's finest example of medieval carvings - and of course the one and only 700 year old Rows galleries where shopping is a double delight."
— Visit Chester website, 2023