Mentoring and Coaching in Education

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MACIE - The Research Interest Group for Coaching and Mentoring in Education

The Mentoring and Coaching in Education (MACIE) research interest group plays a key role for the faculty in providing a link between academic peer-reviewed research, post-graduate researcher study, and our extensive mentoring and coaching practice in partnerships with schools and educational providers.

This group has a healthy track record of publication in high quality and internationally recognised academic journals, conference presentation and stakeholder engagement.  The group aspires to develop opportunities for practitioners undertaking mentoring and coaching to research and publish their ongoing practice, as well as to create mutually beneficial communities of practice that can inspire and provoke further opportunities.

The group is led by Dr Luke Jones and Gethin Foulkes from the Initial Teacher Education department, and has good collaborative links with other higher education institutions interested in mentoring and coaching research.


Jones, L., Tones, S., & Foulkes, G. (2018). Mentoring Associate Teachers in Initial Teacher Education: The Value of Dialogic Feedback. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, Vol. 7 Issue: 2, pp.127-138, 


Jones, L., Tones, S., & Foulkes, G. (2019). Exploring Learning Conversations between Mentors and Associate Teachers in Initial Teacher Education. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 8(2), 120–133. 

Tones, S., Jones, L., & Foulkes, G. (2019). Peer coaching as a CollectivPE (in writing for an academic purpose). A practice insight working paper, CollectivED [8], pages 44-48, Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University.

Jones, L., Tones, S., & Foulkes, G. (2020). Associate teachers' learning networks: a figurational analysis of initial teacher education. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 205-218. 

Jones, L., Tones, S., Foulkes, G., & Jones, R.C. (2021). Associate teachers’ views on dialogic mentoring. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 27(1-4), 181-192. 

Jones, L., Tones, S., Foulkes, G., & Jones, R. C. (2022). Levelling the playing field: A Review of Mentoring in the CaBan Initial Teacher Education programme. Wales Journal of Education 24(2). 

Jones, L., Tones, S., & Foulkes, G. (2023). Talking the talk: Dialogic Mentoring in Physical Education. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 94(5). 

Jones, L., Tones, S., Foulkes, G., & Newland, A. (2023). Physical education mentors in initial teacher training: who cares? International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 13(2), 145-157.


Jones, L., Foulkes, G. & Tones, S. (2019). Valuing the informal mentoring conversations and feedback in Initial Teacher Education. Paper presented at the British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, 10th - 12th September 2019, Manchester University, Manchester, United Kingdom.

Jones, L., & Foulkes, G. (2022). Dialogic, rather than monologic? Approaches to mentoring in Initial Teacher Education. Paper presented at the British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, 6th – 8th September 2022, Liverpool University, Liverpool, United Kingdom.

Jones, L. (2023). Mentors…who cares? Keynote presentation at the Mentor Conference, 5th of July 2023, University of Chester, Chester, United Kingdom.

Key Researchers

PGR Students

  • Colin Ayliffe (MA Educational Leadership)
  • Michelle Fisher (MA Educational Leadership)
  • Anna Leake (PGCert Coaching and Mentoring)
  • Jenny Rogers (MA Educational Leadership)
  • Hanne Thorpe (MA Educational Leadership)