Our Research & Projects

In recent years research has been funded by the University of Chester, the Young Women’s Trust and the Equality and Human Rights Commission. This work is practice based socio-legal research with the clear objective of making recommendations for practice, policy and legislative development in the UK and beyond.

Papers and Presentations

 The following are available via ChesterRep, the University of Chester's Online Research Repository.

Davies, C. (2019) Exploring positive action as a tool to address under-representation in apprenticeships. This report is based on research commissioned by the Equality and Human Rights Commission and published in March 2019.

Healey, R. & Davies, C. (2019). Conceptions of ‘research’ and their gendered impact on research activity: A UK case study. Higher Education Research and Development https://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2019.1657804

Davies, C.  (2018) Equality at work? Positive action in gender segregated apprenticeships. This report is based on research commissioned by Young Women’s Trust (YWT) carried out from June 2017 – April 2018.

Davies, C. & Healey, R. (2017). Hacking through the Gordian Knot: Can facilitating operational mentoring untangle the gender research productivity puzzle in higher education?. Studies in Higher Education http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2017.1333494

Davies, C., & Robison, M. (2016). Bridging the gap: an exploration of the use and impact of positive action in the UK. International Journal of Discrimination and the Law. 16(2-3), 83-101.

Davies, C., Healey, R. & Cliffe, A. (2016). Gendered experiences of academic staff in relation to research activity and the REF2014. (Report for the Research and Knowledge Transfer Office, University of Chester). University of Chester, United Kingdom.

Davies, C., Healey, R., Manfredi, S. & Vickers, L. (2016). Gendered perspectives of research activity Symposium Report 2016. University of Chester, United Kingdom.

Davies, C., & Garrett, M. (2012). The BME student experience at a small northern university: an examination of the experiences of minority ethnic students undertaking undergraduate study within a small northern university. Compass: The Journal of Learning and Teaching at the University of Greenwich, 5, 57-66.

Davies, C. (2008, July). Flexible Family Friendly Working: Ascertaining the most appropriate tool for the job. Paper presented at the Gender, Family Responsibility and Legal Change Conference, University of Sussex, United Kingdom.

Davies, C., & Garrett, M. (2011, July). The BME student experience at a small northern university. Paper presented at Promoting Inclusive Change: addressing equity and success for BME students in higher education, University of Greenwich, United Kingdom.

Davies, C., & Chappell, C. (2011, December). The BME student experience: findings of a small northern university. Paper presented at the Society for Research into Higher Education Annual Research Conference 2011, Newport, United Kingdom.

Davies, C. (2012, April). The BME student experience at a small northern university. Paper presented at the Open University Widening Participation Conference 2012, Northampton, United Kingdom.

Davies, C. (2012, December). The Maze of categorisation and ethnicity. Paper presented at the Society for Research into Higher Education Annual Conference 2012, Newport, United Kingdom.