Dr Anjali Shah

Senior Lecturer

Education - Initial Teacher Education
Dr Anjali Shah

Teaching and Supervision

Anjali teaches on the PGCE Secondary programme specialising in Science education as well as on professional studies and enrichment modules Anjali has also taught on taught components of Level 8 Education Doctorate programmes including Research Methodologies and Preparing for Thesis as well as examining a PhD viva. Anjali supervises Level 6 UG and MA dissertations and carries out assessment on Level 6 UG and Level 7 PGCE Primary programmes.

Research and Knowledge Exchange

Anjali's research interests focuses on the experiences of career changers entering the teaching profession, with a particular emphasis on identity shifts and their impact on professional development and retention within the teaching profession. She has a strong focus on anti-racist teacher education and broader conceptions of diversity, bias, and representation within the teacher workforce and curricula, as well as the career trajectories of minoritised teachers. Through this work she has delivered CPD session to cohorts of students and current teachers as well as targeted CPD for Masters programme lecturers. She has worked with a number of external organisations and in 2021 was invited as a Fellow of the Royal Society in recognition ofher work on anti--racism in education and schools. Additionally, Anjali examines the development of decolonised and diverse curricula, alongside workplace organisation and culture in education settings. Her work aims to foster more inclusive and equitable practices within schools and teacher education programs.

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