David Cumberland

Dean - Chester School of Education

CSE School Office
Associate Professor David Cumberland


As Dean of the School of Education David has over 20 years' experience working in both Primary and Secondary school classrooms as a teacher and local authority adviser and over 20 years experience working in the University sector, initially at Liverpool Hope and since 2012 at the University of Chester. He has extensive experience in Governance, currently Chairing two Multi-Academy Trust Boards for the London Diocese, is a Trust member of a cross-phase MAT in the NW and is a foundation Governor of a local school and has been Governor and Director of numerous other schools over the past 30 years. David also has extensive experience of change and change management. He was Vice Chair of the Liverpool South Community Health Council at the time of the Alder Hey organ retention scandal. He chaired the Transition Steering Group from the inception of plans in the closure of two schools and the opening of a third new £33m build in Newton le Willows. David became the new school's first chair of Governors. He also took over a CEO in the planned transition of a large MAT devolving schools to other MATs. David currently sits on the Chester and Cheshire West Education Improvement Board and on the Chester Diocese Board of Education.

Teaching and Supervision

Governance, Education Leadership, Equality and diversity.

Research and Knowledge Exchange

School Improvement, Governance and Leadership, Education for Sustainable Development.

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