Dr Evelyn Jamieson
Associate Professor
![Dr Evelyn Jamieson](/media/media/photography/profile-photos/Ev.jpg)
Evelyn is an Associate Professor, Programme Leader for MA Dance and MA Drama, and PhD supervisor. She is Director of Crossing Borders, a learning and development project whose aim is to build collaborative communities through social engagement and widening participation through inclusive performing, visual and creative arts practice. Crossing Borders is a School of Creative Industries knowledge exchange and research project. Furthermore, her experience as a professional artist, researcher and academic in higher education over a number of years is evidenced in her teaching including a range of practical, analytical, and contextual modules across postgraduate and undergraduate programmes. Having performed and worked with leading choreographers, directors and composers such as Wayne McGregor and Leigh Landy and companies such as Scottish Dance Theatre, her professional practice centres on teaching and learning in higher education, collaborative practice research and research informed teaching. This is supported with experience as an advisor to the Higher Education Academy and range of advisory roles for External University Institutional Reviews, Degree Validations, External Examining both here in UK and the Netherlands, and equally in the professional arts sector as a Board Member of National Dance Agencies such as Cheshire Dance, Advisor to the Arts Council and Phoenix Dance Company, and other Dance and Theatre Companies/ Organisations. Evelyn has also worked at University College Bretton Hall (University of Leeds) and LIPA (The Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts) where she was Subject Leader, Head of Dance and Programme Leader for BA and MA programmes on dance, community drama and performing arts.
Teaching and Supervision
Evelyn teaches and leads modules on postgraduate taught programmes and undergraduate courses in the Division of Communication, Screen and Performance. She has been leading and teaching in higher education for a number of years and continues to expand and develop her knowledge and practice through research informed teaching and her pedagogical focus as an Associate Professor. Her teaching includes: performance and creative practices, devising and choreography, physical theatre, collaborative arts practice, educational theatre and applied drama and dance practices, site-specific performance, performance histories and critical frameworks, practice research, research methods in the arts, dissertation and practice research supervision at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She also mentors staff on access and widening participation, visits by schools and colleges and supports the Division's outreach team Pathways.
Research and Knowledge Exchange
Evelyn’s research focuses on collaborative arts practices, pedagogical creative collaboration, educational performing arts and dance devising. Selected research projects include: dance and music devising and learning; collective creative collaboration in dance and theatre; improvisation and performance; site-specific practice, and collaborative arts practice in higher education. Evelyn's first major publication in 2000 with composer Leigh Landy, ventured into new territory in the realm of dance and music devising which has been used as a pedagogical tool and guide for collaborative arts practice both here in the UK and overseas. Her PhD focused on collaborative practice in dance 'From dance cultures to dance ecology: a study of developing connections across dance organisations in Edinburgh and North West England, 2000 to 2016'. She is a PhD supervisor working with students in the fields of creative collaboration, performance practice, improvisation and group ensemble, theatre and adaptation. Publications include: articles, book chapters and reviews for Intellect Press, Routledge, Prague Quadrennial, TDR and booklet and video - University of Sunderland Press. Here are some of her publications: Jamieson, E. (2022). The collaborative programme leader: embedding meaningful collaboration into a programme culture. J. Lawrence, S. M. Garcia, & R. Senior (eds). An international book chapter for Routledge/Seda publication Supporting programme and course leaders in higher: Practical wisdom for leaders, educational developers and programme leaders. Jamieson, E. (2017). Book review for NTQ (New Theater Quarterly), Choreographies: Tracing the materials of an ephemeral art form by Jacky Lansley Intellect, New Theatre Quarterly, 34(3), p.298. 2018. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0266464X18000192 Jamieson, E. (2014). Touching the ineffable: Collective creative collaboration, education and the secular-spiritual in performing arts. Dance, Movement & Spiritualities, 1(2), pp.271-282. 2014. doi.10.1386/dmas.1.2.283_1 Harrop, P. & Jamieson, E. (2013). Snapshot 3 Collaboration, ensemble, devising. J. Britton (ed). Encountering ensemble. pp.167-170. London, United Kingdom: Bloomsbury Methuen Drama. Jamieson, E. (2012). Devising as a way of performing: Enacted or embodied. pp. 1-7. Prague, Czech Republic: Prague Quadrennial. http://www.pq.cz/en/schenography-expandingen. Jamieson, E. (2010). Collaborative practice: some thoughts. In C. Alix, E. Dobson & R. Wilsmore (Eds.), Collaborative arts practices in HE: Mapping and developing pedagogical models. pp. 32-38. 2011. Retrieved from Advance HE website: https://www.advancehe. ac.uk/knowledge-hub/collaborative-art-practices-he-mapping-and-developingpedagogical- models. Landy, L., Ng, K. & Jamieson, E. (2003). "In Transit" or Realising One's Aesthetic when the Technology Finally Catches Up. MAXIS Symposium 2003. pp.79-84 Leeds, United Kingdom: University of Leeds. Landy, L. & Jamieson, E. (2000). Devising dance and music: Idee Fixe Experimental Sound and Movement Theatre. Book with accompanying video: xvi, 78pp, 58 minute video. Sunderland, United Kingdom: University of Sunderland Press.