Gareth Price
Lecturer Graphic Design
My background is Graphic Designer / Programmer / Lecturer / Project Manager. I am ( a Liverpool based designer specialising in multi-disciplinary design and exploring interactions between society, design and business in order to use design thinking as a method to create engaging experiences and knowledge transfer. The three main outputs are physical constructions/ installations, digital products and branding. I have over 30 year experience as a designer, programmer and project manager working with a diverse range of clients, including: BBC, Fat Boy Slim, Channel 4, Liverpool City Council, Royal Bank of Scotland, Barclays Bank Plc, NHS and Sony, as well as designing and delivering public events for BBC Interactive Big Screen, MerseyTravel’s Spaceport visitor attraction, Liverpool LightNight, Price WaterHouse Cooper and Novartis. I have also been involved in course writing and delivery and is actively involved in facilitating knowledge exchange with the student cohort, academic staff and social and business communities.
Teaching and Supervision
I have been involved with over 16 separate modules on 11 different degrees over the period of 20 years. Also through my role with The Automatic as Creative Facilitator, designing and delivering over 350 session over 10 years.
Research and Knowledge Exchange
Design thinking and an accompany tool kit, to aid non creatives through the creative process. The design of flow, for individuals and organisations, as a method of increasing productivity. The design of organisational change and measurement of change within organisations. Culture mapping [ideas, customs, social behaviour of a society] Cultural probes [gathering insights about individuals lives and thoughts about a specific topic or organisation]