Dr Hazel Chapman
Senior Lecturer

As Programme Lead for the Professional Doctorate in Health and Social Care, Postgraduate Tutor, and an Associate of the Centre for Academic Innovation and Development, Dr Hazel M Chapman is responsible for learning and teaching throughout different levels of education within the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Society, and for integrating high-quality research with pedagogic excellence. Hazel works with a group of adults with intellectual disabilities locally to promote their role as experts by experience in education and research. She also co-ordinates the University of Chester Research and Knowledge Exchange Institute / Teaching and Learning Innovation Pedagogy Special Interest Group, with the aim of promoting and exchanging developments in the scholarship of teaching and learning. Part of her role is to create a flourishing research culture within the Faculty, including the Friday lunchtime doctoral seminars, research and writing workshops and the Monday afternoon journal club, as well as the annual postgraduate research conference within the Faculty.
Teaching and Supervision
Hazel is a Postgraduate Tutor with responsibility for the research culture in the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Society. She is programme lead for the Professional Doctorate in Health and Social Care, running the Sociology for Professional Practice, Research Methods and Thesis modules. As an experienced doctoral supervisor, she has supported students on a wide variety of topics, such as psychological safety within the multi-professional team; a Marxist critique of care in an older person's care home; meaningful activity for survivors of acquired brain injury within hospitals; the lived experiences of people with long-term conditions undergoing psychological therapies. Hazel is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and an Associate in the University of Chester Centre for Academic Innovation and Development, supporting Higher Education professional development. She is also coordinator, with Professor Derek France, of the Research and Knowledge Exchange Institute / Teaching and Learning Innovation Special Interest Group in Pedagogy. She also runs a module for second-year nurses on evidence-based innovations in practice, as well as a Master's research proposal module.
Research and Knowledge Exchange
Hazel's research profile is largely centred around health inequalities for adults with intellectual disabilities. Having completed her PhD in 2008 on the experience of health consultations for people with intellectual disabilities she published related papers in the British Journal of Learning Disabilities (BJLD) and Learning Disability Practice. As part of a Royal College of Nursing-sponsored study led by Prof. Kay Mafuba of the University of West London, she was involved in four studies exploring the role and impact of intellectual disabilities nurses, all published in the Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. Hazel is currently editing a special edition of the BJLD on health inequalities for people with intellectual disabilities. She is also undertaking research into quality improvement in the care needs of adults with intellectual disabilities and complex physical or communication needs. Using her psychology degree, Hazel has also had several papers published with her psychology research collaborator, Dr Claudine Clucas, into the experience of respect in student nurses and Registered Nurses. Hazel is a Chartered Member of the British Psychological Society and therefore often uses psychology theory to underpin her research.