Dr Jeremy Phillips
Senior Lecturer

I am the Programme Leader for BSc Forensic Psychology and my main teaching focus are the fields of Forensic and Investigative Psychology. My research interests are broad within this area but include the use of geographical and psychological profiling, the management of prolific offenders and decision making in serious crime investigations.
Teaching and Supervision
My teaching is largely focussed on the forensic psychology modules where I contribute to: PS4019 Forensic and Criminal Psychology PS5001 Real World Applications in Forensic Psychology: Project Work PS5002 (Module Leader) Forensic Psychology: Detection, Detention, Treatment and Trial PS6009 Applications in Forensic Psychology: Specialist Approaches PS6008 Research Dissertation for Forensic Psychology I also teach qualitative research methods in PS5015 Becoming a Psychological Researcher
Research and Knowledge Exchange
My research interests are broad and currently encompass areas of forensic and organisational psychology including emotion recognition in police officers, geographical profiling and the impact of training interventions on driving offenders.