Kathryn Clarke

Senior Lecturer

Education - Initial Teacher Education
Kathryn Clarke


Kathryn Clarke is a Senior Lecturer in Primary Mathematics Education and the PGCE Primary and PGCE Primary/ Early Years Programme Leader for the Core and Lead School Partner routes. Both roles involve educating our future primary school teachers so that they feel confident in all aspects of teaching - professional, subject and academic - and become excellent reflective and successful educators. The PGCE Programme is exceptionally busy and challenging - the students have to learn about the professional aspects of being a teacher, to improve their subject knowledge and pedagogy of all the subjects and areas of learning taught in a primary school, and they have to engage in and pass 60 credits at Level 7. Kathryn's role is to organise this challenging programme to enable the students to succeed in all areas, while ensuring that the positive wellbeing of the students is maintained.

Teaching and Supervision

Kathryn teaches on the PGCE and the BA Primary Education with QTS programmes.

Research and Knowledge Exchange

As a Senior Lecturer in Primary Mathematics Education, Kathryn is interested in the perceptions that beginning teachers have about teaching mathematics. All primary teachers have to teach the subject, and it needs to be taught positively and confidently, but many of students do not feel positive or confident about mathematics because of the way they were taught. She would like to delve deeper into this and to explore what different strategies would be useful to help our beginning teachers to become excellent teachers of mathematics.

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