Dr Mohammed Amali

Senior Lecturer

Medical Sciences
Dr Mohammed Amali


Mohammed Amali is a Senior Lecturer, and the BSc Pharmacology Programme lead at the Chester Medical School. Mohammed is a pharmacist with a background in pharmacology including teaching and research experience in immunology and toxicology. Mohammed offers an eighteen-year background of supporting students, developing instructional plans, and organizing and assessing students. His research interests include drug allergy but has focused more recently on the development of drugs from natural products, with the aim of discovering novel molecules of therapeutic benefit that will contribute to current patient management strategies.

Teaching and Supervision

Mohammed is the programme leader for the BSc Pharmacology and teach on different programmes within the Chester Medical School both at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Mohammed served as the Module Leader for; MD5026 – Immunology MD5029 - Principles of Pharmacology and Toxicology MD5030 - Medicinal Chemistry of Natural Products Mohammed also participated in the following modules: MD4002 - Cell Biology MD4010 - Professional Skills for Life Science MD5027/MD5034 - Joint Practical MD5030 - Medicinal Chemistry of Natural Products MD6029 - Dissertation. MD6030 - Medical Microbiology MD6033 - Clinical Immunology MD7006 - Clinical Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis MD7069 - Assessment and Consultation in Clinical Settings MD7100 - Research dissertations Supervision of BSc, MSc, MRes and PhD students

Research and Knowledge Exchange

Drug hypersensitivity research and Natural product drug discovery. Publication record 1. Lawal, B. A., Ayipo, Y. O., Adekunle, A. O., Amali, M. O., Badeggi, U. M., Alananzeh, W. A., & Mordi, M. N. (2023). Phytoconstituents of Datura metel extract improved motor coordination in haloperidol-induced cataleptic mice: Dual-target molecular docking and behavioural studies. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 300, 115753. 2. Kola-Mustapha, A. T., Amali, M. O., Atunwa, S. A., Ishola, I., Farayola, L. O., & Adeyeye, M. C. (2022). Beneficial effects of a polyherbal formulation in the management of sickle cell disease. American Journal of Pharmacotherapy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1. 3. Amali, M. O., Atunwa, S. A., Omotesho, Q. A., Oyedotun, E. O., & Olapade, A. I. (2020). Assessment of anxiolytic potential and acute toxicity study of Combretum micranthum G. Don. leaves (Combretaceae). Journal of Medicinal Plants for Economic Development, 4(1), 1-8. 4. Tella, A.C., Eliagwu, S.E., Amali, M. et al. (2020). Synthesis and characterization of amino and cyano-functionalized zinc-terephthalate metal–organic frameworks for loading of piroxicam drug. Chem. Pap. 74, 2287–2296. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11696-020-01068-7 5. Chris Goldring, Lauren Scarfe, Nathalie Brillant, J. Kumar, Noura Ali, Ahmed Alrumayh, Mohammed Amali, Stephane Barbellion, Vendula Jones, Marije Niemeijer, Sophie Potdevin, Gautier Roussignol, Anatoly Vaganov, Ivana Barbaric, Michael Barrow, John Connell, Francesco Dazzi, Josefina Edsbagge, Neil French, Julie Holder, Claire Hutchinson, David Jones, Tammy Kalber, Cerys Lovatt, Mark Lythgoe, Sara Patel, P. Stephen Patrick, Jacqueline Piner, Jens Reinhardt, Emanuele Ricci, James Sidaway, Glyn Stacey, Philip Starkey Lewis, Gareth Sullivan, Arthur Taylor, Bettina Wilm, Harish Poptani, Patricia Murray, B. Park, and Neal Burton. (2017) Pre-clinical imaging methods for assessing the safety and efficacy of regenerative medicine therapies. Nature Regenerative Medicine. 2:28 ; doi:10.1038/s41536-017-0029-9 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41536-017-0029-9 6. Mohammed O. Amali, Rosalind E. Jenkins, Xiaoli Meng, Lee Faulkner, Paul Whitaker, Daniel Peckham, B. Kevin Park, and Dean J. Naisbitt. (2017) Assessment of Antipiperacillin IgG Binding to Structurally Related Drug Protein Adducts Chemical Research in Toxicology Published by the American Chemical Society (ACS) DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.7b00291 https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.chemrestox.7b00291 7. Amali M. O, Sullivan A, Jenkins RE, Farrell J, Meng X, Faulkner L, Whitaker P, Peckham D, Kevin Park B, Naisbitt DJ. (2017) Detection of drug-responsive B lymphocytes and antidrug IgG in patients with ß-lactam hypersensitivity. Allergy; 72:896–907. Official Journal of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI). https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/all.13087 8. Mohammed O. Amali, Monday O. Ogese, Sheriff L. Ojulari (2019) Current Methods in the Characterization of Immune Mechanisms Involved in the Elicitation of Drug Hypersensitivity Reactions. J. Pharm. Res. Dev. & Pract, 3(1): 9-26 ISSN: 2579 – 0455 9. Mohammed O. Amali, Soliu A. Atunwa, Medinat O. Aiyelero, Sukurat O. Usman, Akeem I. Olapade, Eniola O. Oyedotun, and Quadri A. Omotesho. (2019) Acute Toxicity Study and Evaluation of the Anxiolytic Activity of the Ethanol Leaf Extract of Bryophyllum Pinnatum (Kurz) in Mice. J. Pharm. Res. Dev. & Pract. 3 (1): 27-35 ISSN: 2579 – 0455 10. S. O. Ayetoro, M. O. Amali, A. O. Olagunju, E.O. Sanya, K.A. Laiyemo, M.J. (2018) Evaluation of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) Among In-Patients Admitted Into the Adult Medical Wards Of A Tertiary Hospital In Nigeria. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Development and Practice 2(1): 9-15. Published by Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Ilorin. http://ejournals.unilorin.edu.ng/journals/index.php/jprdp&hl=enNG&tg=152&pt=20 11. Njinga NS, Sule MI, Shittu, AO, David MS, Amali, MO, Bolaji AR, Abdullahi ST, Atunwa SA, Hassan, HS, Eniayewu OI (2018) Phytochemical, antibacterial and anticonvulsant activity of the stem bark of Lannea kerstingii Engl. & K. Krause (anacadiaceae). Journal of Pharmacy and Bioresources. 15(2):110-119. Published by Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Jos. https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jpb/article/view/180495 12. L.S. Ojulari, A.O. Morakinyo, M.O. Amali and O.A. Adegoke. (2017) Pregnancy and Fetal Outcomes Following Metformin Use in Diabetic Rats. 18(1) African Scientist Nigerian Society for Experimental Biology. http://www.niseb.org/afs 13. Njan A.A., Amali, M.O., Olatunji L.O. and Olorundare O.E. (2014) An Overview of the Ethno-Pharmacological Potentials of Moringa Oleifera Lam, “The Miracle Tree”. Arch. Bas. App. Med. 2:135 -145 Published by the College of Medicine University of Ibadan https://archivesbamui.com/ 14. Amali, M.O., Bello, M.K., Olatunji, L.O., Salawu, O., Olorundare, O.E. (2012) “Analgesic And Anti-Inflammatory Activities Of Ethanolic Extract Of The Stem Bark of Kigelia Africana In Wistar Albino Mice And Rats.” Nig. Journ. Pharm. Sci.:11:13-24. Published by the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. https://journals.abu.edu.ng/njps/pdf/110.pdf

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