Dr Margaret Cousins

Senior Lecturer

Dr Margaret Cousins


Dr Margaret Cousins is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology in the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Society at the University of Chester. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a Chartered Psychologist, and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (Division of Teachers and Researchers). She has acted as a Deputy Head, and Operational Head of School. She is now a part time member of staff.

Teaching and Supervision

Margaret teaches on a range of modules and is module leader for PS6011 Understanding Developmental Disorders and PS4208 Child Psychology. Her core areas of expertise are cognitive experimental psychology and quantitative research methods. Margaret has supervised undergraduate and postgraduate dissertation students engaged in a wide range of topics.

Research and Knowledge Exchange

Margaret completed her doctorate at the University of Lancaster. looking at adults with Developmental Coordination Disorder. She has an interests in visuo-motor ability, including both skilled and unskilled action, and in a range of neurodevelopmental conditions. Training as a musician before switching to psychology, she also has an interest in music psychology, and supervised the PhD work of Dr Lisa Thorpe, who studied implicit musical memory in typically ageing individuals as well as those with dementia. She has supervised postgraduate research in a range of areas, and has examined several PhDs. Margaret also has an interest in pedagogic issues, especially relating to student achievement and success.

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