Dr Miriam Dyberg-tengroth


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Miriam is an HCPC-registered practitioner psychologist and part-time lecturer. She has experience in a variety of settings including youth justice, therapeutic parenting for looked after young people with developmental trauma, low secure services, different CAMHS settings, and acute mental health services for adults. She is also a member of the Eurogang Network, an international network of researchers and practitioners looking to promote and pursue collaborative, comparative research on gangs. Miriam originally moved to the UK to study history, but her love of trying to understand people's stories took on a new life when she discovered the world of psychology which she hasn't left since! Miriam currently works with an organisation providing intensive personalised support to families in the community.

Teaching and Supervision

Miriam primarily teaches on forensic and professional practice focused modules across different levels of study.

Research and Knowledge Exchange

Miriam has a broad range of research interests stemming primarily from her practice experience, including: Gangs, service improvement, trauma-informed and responsive care, developmental trauma, therapeutic parenting (particularly in residential care), organised/disorganised crime, and the voices, rights and representation of young people in legal processes. Miriam also has a keen interest in building on the proposed concept of discriminant moral disengagement which she began work on during her postgraduate studies.

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