Matthew Shaw


Applied Medicine
Matthew Shaw


Matthew Shaw is the Lecturer in Anatomy at Chester Medical School and supports teaching on the graduate entry MBChB programme at the University of Chester. Matthew joined the university in 2024 and is an early career academic interested in pedagogical research targeted at allied healthcare professionals studying anatomy.

Teaching and Supervision

Matthew has an extensive knowledge in anatomy, histology, embryology, and medical imaging. With a special interest in neuroanatomy, Matthew leads the neuroanatomy teaching in Y1 of the MBChB programme (Block 3 - Brain and Behaviour). Matthew is committed to the delivery of anatomy across the MBChB programme by tailoring lectures and practical sessions using a wide variety of traditional and technology enhanced learning (TEL) methods. This includes incredibly detailed plastinated human anatomy specimens, medical imaging, the Complete Anatomy app, virtual dissection with the Anatomage table, and a student favourite: Anatomage quizzes! Matthew is the block co-lead for the Y1 MBChB musculoskeletal system block (Block 4 - Locomotion). Teaching qualifications Matthew was awarded the status of Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) by Advance HE in 2020 and is working towards senior fellowship.

Research and Knowledge Exchange

Matthew has a broad interest in pedagogical research and medical education. Having previously supervised students completing their undergraduate dissertations, Matthew has explored the experiences of students studying anatomy on the Master of Pharmacy course at the University of Birmingham by using semi-structured interviews with staff and students.

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