Canon Prof Elaine Graham

Emeritus Professor

School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Canon Prof Elaine Graham

I’m interested in how religion both reflects and transcends its human context, and how changes in culture, society and lived experience affect what people believe and how they practise their faith.

Currently, this translates into questions about the contemporary role of religion in Western society. How do we manage the growing demands for cultural diversity and religious literacy whilst acknowledging the potentially damaging effects of religious values and institutions?

I think, teach and write about the relationship between religious beliefs and values and their practical outworking in areas such as ethics, social policy and church life.

Currently, I am taking my interest in the way religious belief and practice is shaped by the changing culture around it to examine the way Christianity has responded to modernity, beginning with the crisis of faith at the end of the nineteenth century. The “Sea of Faith project” focuses in particular on the life and work of the Cambridge-based theologian and philosopher Don Cupitt (1934-). At the heart of Cupitt’s work is the theological and philosophical concept of non-realism, associated with the idea that belief in a personal, transcendent, metaphysical being is not essential to Christianity. Drawing on extensive materials largely donated by Cupitt and now housed at Gladstone’s Library, Hawarden, North Wales, this project aims to locate Cupitt’s work in historical context, advance new interpretations of his thinking and evaluate the prospects for new forms of radical theologies in the twenty-first century.

Elaine's profile on The British Academy Fellow

Sea of Faith project

X/Twitter: @ElaineGraham2

  • Practical Theology
  • Feminist Practical Theology
  • Lay ministry in the Christian Church
  • Religion and Public Life
  • Modern Radical and Non-Realist Theologies


With Heather Walton and Frances Ward, Theological Reflection: Methods. London: SCM Press, 2nd Revised and Expanded Edition, 2019.

with Bennett, Z., Pattison, S., and Walton, H. Invitation to Research in Practical Theology. London: Routledge. 2018.

Apologetics without Apology: Speaking of God in a world troubled by religion. Cascade, 2017.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Public Theology in a Post-Secular Age. London: SCM Press, 2013.

With Stephen Lowe, What Makes a Good City? Public Theology and the Urban Church. London: DLT, 2009.

Representations of the Post/Human: Monsters, Aliens and Others in Popular Culture. Manchester University Press, 2002.

Transforming Practice: Pastoral Theology in an Age of Uncertainty. London: Mowbray, 1996, 2nd edition Wipf & Stock, 2002.

Making the Difference: Gender, Personhood and Theology. London: Mowbray, 1995.

Edited books

With P.M. Scott and C.R. Baker, Remoralizing Britain? Political, Ethical and Theological perspectives on New Labour. London and New York: Continuum, xx + 255pp. 978-0-826-42465-1, 2009.

(ed.) Grace Jantzen: Redeeming the Present. London: Ashgate, 240pp. 978-075466824-X, 2009.

Words Made Flesh: Writings in Practical and Pastoral Theology. London: SCM Press, 2009.

With Heather Walton and Frances Ward, Theological Reflection: Sources. London: SCM Press, 2007.

With Margaret Halsey, Life-Cycles: Women and Pastoral Care. London: SPCK, 1993.

Chapters in edited collections

Without Privilege, without Prejudice: The Resurgence of Religion and the Dilemmas of Secular Liberalism (186-201) in P. Avis (ed), Neville Figgis, CR: His Life, Thought and Significance. Leiden, Brill, 2022.

Public Theology as Apologetics. In Christoph Hübenthal and Christiane Alpers, eds. T&T Clark Handbook of Public Theology, 2022.

After the Fire, the voice of God: Speaking of God after Tragedy and Trauma. In M. Warner, C. Southgate, C. Grosch-Miller and H. Ison, eds. Tragedies and Christian Congregations: the Practical Theology of Trauma (13-27). London: Routledge, 2019.

Interrogating the Postsecular. In J. Beaumont, ed. Routledge Handbook on Postsecularity (223-233). London: Routledge, 2019.

With D. Llewellyn, Promoting the Good: Ethical and Methodological Considerations in Practical Theological Research.  In M. Moschella and S. Willhauck, eds.  Qualitative Research in Theological Education: Pedagogy in Practice (39-59). SCM, 2018.

Feminist Critiques, Visions and Models of the Church. in Paul Avis, ed. Oxford Companion to Ecclesiology (527-551). Oxford University Press, 2018.

with Chris Baker, Urban Ecology and Faith Communities. In K. Day and S. Kim eds., Brill Companion to Public Theology (390-417). Leiden: Brill, 2017.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Negotiating Religious Voices in Public Spaces. In D. Llewellyn and S. Sharma (eds.), Religion, Equalities and Inequalities (3-14). London: Routledge, 2016.

Manifestations of the Posthuman in the Postsecular Imagination. in J. Benjamin Hurlbut and Hava Tirosh-Samuelson (eds.) Perfecting Human Futures: Technology, Secular­iza­tion, and Eschatology (51-72). Berlin: Springer, 2015.

The Final Frontier? Religion and Posthumanism in Film and TV. In M. Hauskeller, T.D. Philbeck and C. Carbonell, eds. Palgrave Macmillan Handbook of Posthumanism in Film and TV (361-370), London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 (reprinted in Burgoyne, D. and Gooding, R., eds. Research now: Contemporary writing in the disciplines. Calgary: Broadview Press, 2018).

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Public Theology in the United Kingdom. in H. Bedford-Strohm, F. Höhne and T. Reitmeier, eds. Contextuality and Intercontextuality in Public Theology , (121-135), Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2013.

Theology, Place and Human Flourishing. in M. Higton, ed. Theology and Human Flourishing: Essays in Honour of Timothy Gorringe, Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2011.

Religious Literacy and Public Service Broadcasting: Introducing a Research Agenda. in eds. G. Lynch and J. Mitchell, Religion, Media and Culture: a Reader (228-235), London: Routledge, 2011.

Feminist Theory. in ed. B.M. Miller-McLemore, Blackwell Companion to Practical Theology (204-213), Oxford and New York: Blackwell, 2011.

Establishment, Multiculturalism and Social Cohesion. in eds. M. Chapman, J. Maltby and W. Whyte, The Established Church: Past, Present and Future (124-140), Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2011.

With Andrew Davey, Inhabiting the Good City: the Politics of Hate and the Urbanisms of Hope. in eds. C. Baker and J. Beaumont, Post-Secular Cities (120-134), London: Ashgate, 2011.

Doing God? Public Theology under Blair’ in Remoralizing Britain? eds. Peter M. Scott, Chris R. Baker and Elaine L. Graham, Continuum, 2009, 1-18.

Embodying technology, becoming our tools: discussing the post/human’, in ed. J. Baxter, Words that Heal (125-148), London: SPCK, 2007.

What we make of the world: the turn to culture in theology and the study of religion’ in ed. Gordon Lynch, Between Sacred and Profane: Researching Religion and Popular Culture, 63-81London: I.B. Tauris, October 2007.

“Our Real Witness’: Windsor, Public Opinion and Sexuality, in eds. A. Linzey and R. Kirker, Gays and the Future of Anglicanism (199-212), London: John Hunt Publishing, 2005.

Citizens in Cyberspace: New Jerusalem or Big Brother?’ in ed. Johnston Mackay, Netting Citizens (144-171), Edinburgh: St. Andrew Press, 2004.

Public Theology in an age of “Voter Apathy”, in eds. W. Storrar and A. Morton Public Theology in the 21st Century (385-403), Edinburgh and New York: T&T Clark International, 2004.

Different Forms of Feminist Ethics in eds. Carl-Henric Grenholm and Normunds Kamergrauzis, Feminist Ethics: Perspectives, Problems and Possibilities (Uppsala Studies in Social Ethics 29), (15-30), Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Uppsaliensis, 2003.

Feminist Theology in Blackwell Companion to Political Theology, eds. William Cavanaugh and Peter M. Scott, (Oxford & New York: Blackwell), 2003, 210-26.

Liberal Theology and Transformative Pedagogy, in ed. M. Chapman, The Future of Liberal Theology (129-38), Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002.

Cyborgs or Goddesses? Becoming Divine in a Cyberfeminist Age in eds. E. Green and A. Adam, Virtual Gender: Technology, Consumption and Identity (302-322), London and New York, Routledge, 2001.

Pastoral Theology as Transforming Practice in eds S. Pattison and J.W. Woodward, The Blackwell Reader in Pastoral Theology (100-114), Oxford: Blackwell, 2000.

“The Story” or “our stories”? Narrative Theology, Vernacular Religion and the Birth of Jesus, in ed. G. Brooke, The Birth of Jesus: Biblical and Theological Reflections, (89-98), Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 2000.

Woorden tot vlees gemaakt: belichaming en praktische theologie, in eds M. de Haardt, E. Maeckelberghe en M. van Dijk, Geroepen om te Spreken: Over verbeelding en creativiteit in theologie en pastoraat (100-114), Kampen: Kok Pharos, 1998.

A View from a Room, in eds D. Ackermann and R. Bons-Storm, Liberating Faith Practices: Feminist Practical Theologies in Context, (129-152), Leuven: Peeters, 1998.

Feminist Theology: ‘Myth’, ‘Mystery’ or ‘Monster’? in ed. Liz Stanley, Thinking feminisms, (109-119), London and California: Sage, 1997.

The Sexual Politics of Pastoral Care, in eds E.L. Graham and M. Halsey, Life-Cycles: Women and Pastoral Care, (210-224), London: SPCK, 1993.

Journal articles

El cíborg espiritual: Religión y poshumanismo desde la era secular a la postsecular. Concilium 391 (2021/3) 11-21.

 Sekülerötesi İmgelemde İnsanötesinin Tezahürü. Pasajlar 7: ‘Posthümanizm’: pp., 2021. 

Cyborg or Goddess? Religion and Posthumanism From Secular to Postsecular. Journal of Posthumanism Volume: 1, No: 1, pp. 23 –31, 2021.

The Human Face of God: Notes on a Journey through Practical Theology. Practical Theology 13.1-2 (2020): 32-45.

How to Speak of God? Toward a Postsecular Apologetics. Practical Theology 11. 3 (2018): 206-217.

Luther’s Legacy: Rethinking the Theology of Lay Discipleship. Ecclesiology 13.3 (2017): 324-348.

On Becoming a Practical Theologian: Past, present and future tense. HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies (Special Edition: Yolanda Dreyer Festscrift); Vol 73, No 4 (2017): 9 pp, Pretoria.

Reflexivity and Rapprochement: Explorations of a “Postsecular” Public Theology. International Journal of Public Theology 11 (2017): 315-327.

The Unquiet Frontier: Tracing the Boundaries of Philosophy and Public Theology. Political Theology 16.1 (2015): 33-46.

Is Practical Theology a form of ‘Action Research’? International Journal of Practical Theology 17.1 (2013) 1-31.

From Where Does the Red Tory Speak? Phillip Blond, Theology and Public Discourse’, Political Theology 13.3 (2012): 292-307.

‘The Archbishop Speaks, But Who Is Listening? The Dilemmas of Public Theology Today’, Ecclesiology 8 (2012): 200–222.

‘What’s Missing? Gender, Reason and the Post-Secular’, Political Theology 13.2 (2012): 233-245.

A Remembrance of Things (Best) Forgotten: the ‘allegorical past’ and the feminist imagination’, Feminist Theology, 21.1 (2012): 58-70.

A Window on the Soul: Four Politicians on Politics and Religion’ International Journal of Public Theology 3.2 (2009): 141-160.

Being, making and imagining: toward a practical theology of technology’, Culture and Religion 10.2 (2009): 221-236.

Health, Wealth or Wisdom? Religion and the Paradox of Prosperity’, International Journal of Public Theology 3.1 (2009): 5-23.

What Makes a Good City? Reflections on Urban Life and Faith’ International Journal of Public Theology 2 (1), (2008): 7-26.

Power, Knowledge and Authority in Public Theology’, International Journal of Public Theology, 1 (1), May 2007: 42-62.

In Whose Image? Representations of technology and the ‘ends’ of humanity, Ecotheology, 11.2, (2006): 159-82.

Bioethics after Posthumanism: Natural Law, Communicative Ethics and the Problem of Self-Design, Ecotheology, 9.2 (2004): 66-86.

Post/Human Conditions, Theology and Sexuality (special edition on Representations of the Post/Human), 10:2 (2004): 9-30.

Frankensteins and Cyborgs: Visions of the Global Future in an Age of Technology’, Studies in Christian Ethics, 16:1 (2003): 29-43.

“Nietzsche Gets a Modem”: Transhumanism and the technological sublime’, Literature and Theology, 16:1 (2002): 65-80.

(with James N. Poling), ‘Some Expressive forms of a Liberation Practical Theology: art forms as resistance to evil’, International Journal of Practical Theology, 4 (2000): 163-83.

"Only Bodies Suffer": Embodiment, Representation and the Practice of Ethics’, Bulletin of the John Rylands Research Institute, 80:3 (1999): 255-273.

From "Terrible Silence" to "Transforming Hope": The Impact of Feminist Theory on Practical Theology', International Journal of Practical Theology Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, Vol. 2 (1999): 185-212.

Pastoral Theology: “Therapy”, “Mission” or “Liberation”?’ Scottish Journal of Theology, 52:4 (1999).

Pastoral Care and Communitarianism', Contact: the Interdisciplinary Journal of Pastoral Studies. 125 (1998): 2-9.

Fundamentalism, Postmodernism and Spirituality’, The Way: Review of Contemporary Christian Spirituality 16:3 (1996): 203-14.

Theology in the City: Ten Years after Faith in the City’, Bulletin of the John Rylands Research Institute 78:1(1996): 179-97.

Gender, Personhood and Theology, Scottish Journal of Theology 48:3, 1995: 341-58.

From "Space" to "Woman-Space", Feminist Theology No. 9 (1995): 11-34.

Toward a Theology of Desire, Theology and Sexuality No. 1 (1994): 13-30.

Feminism, Pastoral Theology and the Future, Contact: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Pastoral Studies 103 (1990): 2-9.

The Pastoral Needs of Women, Contact: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Pastoral Studies 100 (1989): 23-5.

The Pastoral Significance of Community Work, Modern Churchman New Series, XXX, No. 2 (1988):15-23.

  • BSc (Soc Sci) Economic & Social History and Sociology (Bristol)
  • MA (Theol) (Manchester)
  • PhD Manchester
  • Fellow of the British Academy