Professor Wendy Dossett
Emeritus Professor of Religious Studies

My research and knowledge transfer work explores a variety of religious, spiritual and secular responses to anxiety and dislocation associated with modernity, especially in relation to the phenomenon of recovery from addiction. I am also interested in the interface between religion, society and education, and have been an advocate for Religious Education and the study of religion and worldviews at all levels of education. I was secretary of the Shap Working Party and I represented the TRS-UK community on the Religious Education Council of England and Wales.
I am Principal Investigator of The Higher Power Project – a qualitative study of the concepts of Higher Power used by people in recovery from addiction through Twelve Step Programmes. I’m an activist in the Visible Recovery Movement and an advocate for greater understanding and cooperation across addiction recovery modalities. In retirement, in addition to these activities, I’m developing my skills as a writer of reflective non-fiction with a personal and social-justice angle.
X/Twitter: @WEDossett
Personal website:
The Higher Power Project – a qualitative study of the concepts of Higher Power used by people in recovery from addiction through Twelve Step Programmes.
Edited Volumes
2020 Schmidt, B., Burns, A., Dossett, W. (eds). Festschrift: Essays in Honour of Peggy Morgan. Lampeter: Religious Experience Research Centre.
2015 Bacon, H., Dossett, W., & Knowles, S. (eds). Alternative Salvations: Engaging the sacred and secular. London: Bloomsbury
Edited Journal Special Issues
2021 Religion and Worldviews. Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religions. 23 1-4
2020 with L. Metcalf-White. Religion, Spirituality and Addiction Recovery Implicit Religion. 22.2
2014 with Cook, C. C. H, Religion and Addiction. Religion. MDPI Open Access
2023 Metcalf-White L., & Dossett, W. (forthcoming). Addiction Recovery at the Intersections of Religion, Gender and Sexuality. in Llewellyn, D., Sharma, S. and Hawthorne, S. (eds) Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion, Gender and Sexuality. London: Bloomsbury ISBN 9781350257177.
2021 Are alcohol and drugs ever acceptable to Buddhists? In Harris, E. (ed). Buddhism in Five Minutes. Sheffield, Equinox. pp337-340
2021 What is Pure Land Buddhism? In Harris, E. (ed). Buddhism in Five Minutes. Sheffield, Equinox. pp207-11
2020 ‘Spiritus contra spiritum’: Spirituality, belief and discipline in Alcoholics Anonymous. in Schmidt, B and Leonardi, J. Spirituality and Wellbeing: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Religious Experience and Health. Sheffield, Equinox. pp113-134
2018 co-authored with Cook, C.C.H., Addiction and Forgiveness., in Hance, S.(ed) Forgiveness – Personal, Professional, Political. London & Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley. pp 221-235
2018 Twelve Step Mutual Aid: Spirituality, Vulnerability and Recovery. in Beckford, J., Harvey, S. & Steidinger, S. (Eds.). New Religious Movements and Counselling: Academic, Professional and Personal Perspectives. Routledge Inform Series on Minority Religions and Spiritual Movements New York; London: Routledge. pp.221-235
2015 ‘Reflections on the language of salvation in twelve step recovery’ in Bacon, H., Dossett, W., & Knowles, S. (2015) Alternative Salvations: Engaging the sacred and secular. London: Bloomsbury. pp21-30
2008 ‘Learning About and Learning From’: Reflections on the significance of T/RS method debates for modern Religious Education’: in M. Warrier and S. Oliver (eds), Theology and Religious Studies: The Disciplines and Their Boundaries. Edinburgh: T and T Clark.
2000 ‘Education: Religious Studies’ in Kramarae, C. & Spender D. (Eds) Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women: Global Women’s Issues and Knowledge. Vol 2. New York; London: Routledge
1999 'East Asian Traditions' in Ninian Smart (ed) World Atlas of Religions. London: Calmann and King. (2nd edition 2007 Oxford University Press)
1997 ‘Teaching Buddhism’ in Kay, W. K., & Francis, L. J. (1997). Religion in Education. Leominster: Gracewing
1994 'Japanese Religions' in Human Nature and Destiny, (Themes in Religious Studies series) edited by Jean Holm and John Bowker, London: Pinter
1994 'Japanese Religions' in Picturing God, (Themes in Religious Studies series) edited by Jean Holm and John Bowker. London: Pinter
Journal articles
2021 Introduction: Religion and Worldviews. Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religions. 23 1-4
2021 with Burns, A., & Schmidt, B. E. Peggy the Tutor, Mentor, Colleague and Friend. Journal for the Study of Religious Experience, 7(3), 4–9.
2020 Kleśas and Pretas: Therapy and Liberation in Buddhist Recovery from Addiction. Implicit Religion: Religion, Spirituality and Addiction Recovery, 22(2), 215–242.
2020 with Metcalf-White, L. (50%). Religion, Spirituality and Addiction Recovery: Introduction. Implicit Religion: Religion, Spirituality and Addiction Recovery, 22(2), 95–100.
2019 Religious Education and Worldviews British Association for the Study of Religion BASR Bulletin 134, May 2019 pp7-8
2019 ‘Narratives on their own terms: My encounter with Alister Hardy.’ De Numine 66 Spring. 50th Anniversary Edition
2017 ‘A daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition.’ A commentary on Kelly, J. F. (2016). Is Alcoholics Anonymous religious, spiritual, neither? Findings from 25 years of mechanisms of behavior change research: How AA works. Addiction. 112. 6 pp 942-943 http://dx.doi/10.1111add.1373
2013 ‘Addiction, Spirituality and the Twelve Steps’ in International Social Work. May, Vol. 56, No.2. http://dx.doi/10.1177/0020872813475689 (article selected by Psychology Progress as a ‘Key Research Article’, Sept 2013: ‘selected from a wide variety of peer reviewed journals and … judged to be of major importance in their respective fields’.)
2013 ‘The workings of the Higher Power…’ QAADRANT (Journal of Quaker Action on Alcohol and Drugs), Spring, 71:2-3 (
2007 ‘Shin and the Diversity of Buddhism’ Shap Journal, London: Shap Working Party for World Religions in Education
1996 ‘Speaking for the Buddha: phenomenological and confessional approaches in teaching Buddhism’ Journal of Beliefs and Values Vol 17 no.1
1994 ‘A Foretaste of the Pure Land: The Great Buddha of Ushiku ARCADIA’ The Middle Way. Vol 69. No 2. pp67-75
Text Books
2009 Religion in Contemporary Society (AS) (Text book and teachers handbook). Cardiff, UWIC Press. (jointly authored with Karl Lawson, Andrew Pearce and Roger Owen)
2006 Religious Experience (A level Text Book and teachers’ handbook) Cardiff, UWIC Press.
2003 Buddhism For AS Students (Text Book and teachers handbook for the New Advanced Subsidiary (AS) in Buddhism) UWIC Press.
2003 Judaism For AS Students jointly authored with Lavinia Cohn Sherbok (Text Book and teachers’ handbook for the New Advanced Subsidiary (AS) in Buddhism) UWIC Press.
Media and online public engagement
- 2023, March 16th – The Student Support Podcast – University of Chester – with Katie Moore.
- 2023, March 6th Breakfast with Paul Salt – BBC Radio Merseyside – Celebrating the University of Chester signing the Recovery-Friendly University Pledge.
- 2023, 3rd March The RE Podcast: Addiction Recovery and Spirituality
- 2022, Dec 7th Expert talking head and consultant – I’m an Alcoholic: Inside Recovery. BBC2 documentary (1 hour)
- 2022, Nov 24th The RE Podcast: Decolonising the teaching of Buddhism
- (2022, July 2). The Independent Schools Religious Studies Association Report Religion and Worldviews (Weltanschauung) June 2022 - A Personal Response.
- International Women’s Day Presentation on the Recovery Friendly University. March 8th 2022. University of Chester Diversity Festival.
- Religious Studies Project Roundtable. Spiritual Abuse. 14th February 2022
- Is Spirituality Good for Society? University of Chester Kitchen Session. 29th January 2021.
- Guest on the Alcohol ‘Problem’ Podcast 22 Dec 2020. (Episode 3)
- Created TRS Chester’s A level Webinar Series: 12 Webinars hosted through TEAMS ‘Live Event’ during Covid-19. average attendance 250. May-July 2020. Season Two: 12 Webinars April-July 2021. Season Three: 10 Webinars May-July 2022
- Religious Studies Project 7 Nov 2018: The Commission on Religious Education
- Sunday. BBC Radio 4. 2 Sept 2018: Package on Spiritual Anonymity and Recovery Walks
- Cork 96FM Opinion Line. Guest speaker on programme "AA: Why does it Work?” October 2017
- Religious Studies Project. 23 Jan 2017: Religion, Spirituality and Addiction
- Sunday. BBC Radio 4 30 Oct 2016: Package on Church of the Ragamuffins
- Things Unseen: 20th Mar 2015 Addiction and Faith – the Twelve Step programmes
- Religious Studies Project. 12 Nov 2014: Narrative and Reflexivity in the Study of Religion - roundtable.
- Beyond Belief. BBC Radio Four. 8 Mar 2013: Religion and Addiction
- William Temple Foundation: 7th Oct 2015 Is Spiritual Anonymity Depriving Us of Addiction Recovery Role Models?
- TRS Chester: 21st Dec 2014: Draft Subject Content for A-Level RS: A Response
- TRS Chester: 2nd May 2014: Reflections: The Morning After (on the death of Peaches Geldof
- 2007 Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy
- 2007 PGCertHE (University of Bangor)
- 1997 PhD (University of Wales, Lampeter)
- 1995 PGCE Secondary Religious Education (Trinity College, Carmarthen)
- 1990 BA(hons) (University of Wales, Lampeter)