Professor Ruth Healey

University Innovation Fellow, Professor of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

Humanities, Cultures and Environment
Prof Ruth Healey


Ruth Healey is a Professor of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, a University Innovation Fellow, and a lecturer in human geography at the University of Chester, UK. As an University Innovation Fellow she provides leadership for educational change, the enhancement of academic practice, and sharing good practice at Subject Area, School, Faculty and University levels. As Programme Leader for the BA Geography she works with colleagues in Geography & Environment to organise, manage, develop and promote the programme.

Teaching and Supervision

Professor Healey teachers human geography and is module leader for: GE4013: Changing the World GE4016: Skills for Change GE5015: Society and Space GE6018: Excluded Peoples? Migrants and Refugees She also teaches on GE4012 People and Places, GE4015 Researching Environments, GE5018 Social Research Methods and supervises students undertaking GE6001 Dissertation at Level 6. Ruth has supervised the following PhDs - Sophie Cowell: ‘The use of positive action within football coaching’. (Completed - 2021). Secondary supervisor - John Morrow: ‘The experience students with Dyslexia, have of academic assessment, whilst studying for a qualifying law degree in small northern university’ (Completed – 2017). Secondary supervisor

Research and Knowledge Exchange

Professor Healey's research is in learning and teaching. Her pedagogic research interests include the scholarship of teaching and learning, teaching for social transformations, debates, ethics, and students as partners. Ruth has written over 50 pedagogic publications and led workshops and presentations on learning and teaching over 70 times including 50 invited keynotes, workshops, and seminars. She is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Geography in Higher Education (2009-) and is one of the inaugural Editors of the International Journal for Students as Partners (2016-).

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