Sarah Ankers
Deputy Head of Department

As a qualified teacher, with nearly 20 years experience in the classroom, Sarah moved to the University of Chester as a Senior Lecturer in Primary Mathematics in 2015. Sarah has since gone on to Programme Lead the PGCE Primary route, and is now Deputy Head of Initial Teacher Education at the University of Chester. Sarah works with the Head of Initial Teacher Education and other colleagues in the School of Education to ensure our programmes that lead to qualified teacher status are compliant and reflect the changing needs of our dynamic education sector. Sarah enjoys working with our Associate Teachers and supporting them as they embark on a wonderfully rewarding career in teaching; it is a privilege to work with Associate Teachers who have a passion for raising standards in education through well-informed research and evidence-driven knowledge and understanding.
Teaching and Supervision
Sarah enjoys teaching on the full range of ITE courses that lead to Qualified Teacher Status. Sarah teaches on both mathematics-specific modules, but also on professional development modules. Sarah also enjoys teaching at Masters level, and teaches on the post-graduate programmes for dyscalculia research and practice.
Research and Knowledge Exchange
Mathematics education Dyscalculia