Sean Baker
Senior Lecturer
Sean has over 10 year’s experience nursing within critical care, cardiothoracic and accident and emergency care before transitioning into teaching. Sean began teaching at the University of Chester in 2011, initially as the Healthcare and safety trainer delivering mandatory training to pre-registration nursing and midwifery students. Along side this Sean redesigned the mandatory training programme to enhance student experience and retention of knowledge and skills. As the Healthcare and Safety trainer Sean provided training to external clients from both healthcare and non-healthcare settings in first aid, resuscitation and clinical skills. To support this Sean worked closely with relevant awarding bodies such as the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Ofqual and Ofsted. Sean transitioned into a full academic role as a lecturer in 2015 before progressing to senior lecturer in 2018. Sean’s teaching focuses on the practice learning aspect of the pre-registration nursing programme for both the 3-year BN programme and 2-year accelerated Master’s programme. Sean teaches across all academic levels 3-7, acts as Academic Assessor supporting students during their clinical placements. Sean also provides pastoral support ensuring students can reach their potential throughout the programme. Sean has a wealth of experience in the delivery of clinical skills ranging from basic skills such as manual blood pressure recording through to enhanced skills such as cannulation and venepuncture. In addition to supporting students to developing their knowledge and skills in specific clinical skills, Sean also supports the development and delivery of simulated scenarios enabling students to practice their knowledge and skills in a safe controlled environment.
Teaching and Supervision
Sean’s teaching focuses on teaching and assessment of clinical skills for each Part of the NMC nursing curriculum. Sean’s designs, delivers and evaluates simulated learning to support students in their development of clinical skills such as injection technique, urinary catheterisation and venepuncture and cannulation along with skills such as communication and leadership. In addition to supporting the practice learning modules Sean supports the delivery of mandatory training of basic life support (adult/child) and moving and handling.
Research and Knowledge Exchange
Sean's research interests are in education with particular emphasis on the integration of clinical simulation and scenarios to support the development of nursing and allied healthcare staff and students.