Dr Shelley Price
Deputy Head

Dr Shelley Price is the Deputy Head of Division for Psychology and a forensic and applied psychologist. Shelley is also responsible for developing external networks to secure student opportunities, facilitate outreach work, and build strong working relationships with organisations in the community in order to solve real-world problems for these organisations, either in the classroom or via research initiatives.
Teaching and Supervision
Shelley's main areas of teaching include research methods, cognitive psychology, and applications of psychology in the community. Shelley also acts as a supervisor at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Research and Knowledge Exchange
Applied research on psychological wellbeing and applying psychology to community health. Examples include: attitudes towards girls and women in sport; body image and female footballers; alcohol-related crime and street pastor schemes; cancer support services and the effects on client recovery; prevention of suicide in veterans; loneliness in the ageing community; youth mental health; resilience; and other topical issues. Research in areas of psychological expertise has focused on criminal justice/forensic issues such as: the assessment and treatment of sexual offenders; information-processing of sexual material; Good Lives Model (GLM); sexually offending priests; offenders with addictions; the evaluation of addictions treatment programmes; polygraphs as an assessment tool; offender assessment; offender treatment and treatment efficacy; correctional officer stress; the Level of Service Inventory (LSI), the Correctional Program Assessment Inventory (CPAI), and the principles of Risk, Need and Responsivity (RNR).