Tabitha Jussa
I am an artist working within photography, with a keen focus on socio-political issues. My projects explore the relationship between people, place, space and time through a combination of film photography and digital techniques. My approach questions the traditional photograph, taking it beyond the immediate boundaries associated with the snapshot, by extending the amount of time represented within a single image. To date, I have favoured long term projects, utilising large scale tableaus to disseminate my work. My current work focuses on sustainability and the use of plants both in medicine and the photographic process.
Research and Knowledge Exchange
"Under a Green Light: a darkroom for the future." Can a more sustainable approach to analogue film processing and printing become a viable and valued alternative to traditional methods and techniques? There is growing awareness and demand for more sustainable alternatives and the darkroom is no exception. The emerging field of sustainable photography and practice is one which cannot and should not be ignored. Existing research and artists practice can be tapped into and utilised to further develop research within this area, feeding into this larger field of enquiry alongside the benefits to the departments darkroom facilities