Postgraduate Bursaries

There are a number of sources of finance for postgraduate students, including research council grants and studentships, charity bursaries and scholarships.

If you're training:

Initial Teacher Training Financial Incentives

If you are studying an Initial Teacher Training course you may be eligible for a tax free bursary towards your studies. The following bursaries are available for 2025/26.

£29,000 bursary for Chemistry, Computing, Maths and Physics.

£26,000 bursary for Biology, Design and Technology, Geography and Languages.

£10,000 bursary for Art and Design, Music and Religious Education.

£5,000 bursary for English.

There are also scholarships of £31,00 Chemistry, Computing, Maths and Physics and £28,000 in French, German and Spanish. To qualify for a scholarship students will usually need to have a 1st, 2:1, Master's or PhD, although they might also be available to those with a 2:2 if they have relevant experience.

Find out more about Initial Teacher Training funding.

Snowdon Master's Scholarships

The Snowdon Master's Scholarship has been designed to identify and accelerate talented disabled students through higher education, creating the influencers of the future. The scholarship includes fee funding up to £15,000 p.a. for a one or two-year UK Master's course and most scholarships include a further allowance towards studying costs.

Stage 1 and Stage 2 applications for 2024/25 are now closed. Stage 3 applications for 2024/25 are now open, and will close on 5th May 2025. 

For full details, visit the Snowdon Trust website.

Other Scholarships and Bursaries offer a number of bursaries, across a number of subject areas and applicant categories, and are open to students anywhere in the world. 

Further Reading

We would advise visiting the following websites for further guidance regarding funding postgraduate study: