Setting up Support
An introduction to the Disability & Inclusion service for prospective students.
Starting university can be a daunting time for anyone, and this can be especially true if you have a disability.
We know that sometimes people can be reluctant to disclose a disability because they fear that it might negatively affect their application or result in them being treated differently by the University. Please be assured that this is not the case; it would be unlawful for a university to discriminate against any student based on their disability.
If you have an offer to study at the University of Chester, we encourage you to contact us as early as possible so we can work with you to identify the support and adjustments you need.
The following checklist may be helpful in preparation for a disabled student starting university:
- Register with Disability & Inclusion.
- Provide suitable evidence of a disability.
- Consider an application for funded support. (You can apply for funding even before you’ve decided which university you’ll attend).
- Attend an Open Day to find out more about Disability & Inclusion and the University of Chester.
- Consider accommodation options, and contact Disability & Inclusion if you have any specific accommodation needs.
Acceptable evidence of disability
For the majority of disabilities a letter, diagnostic assessment or health care plan from your doctor, consultant or other medical practitioner is usually acceptable.
We are unable to accept evidence written by therapists or counsellors. Whilst their work is important, and they are able to treat the symptoms of a diagnosis, they are not suitably qualified to make a formal diagnosis.
Ideally this evidence should:
- Be on official headed paper,
- Provide standard contact and organisational information,
- Be as up to date as possible,
- Provide a clear diagnosis of a disability in line with the Equality Act 2010,
- Clearly state that your diagnosis has a substantial and long-term negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities.
Substantial is more than minor or trivial, e.g. it takes much longer than it usually would to complete a daily task like getting dressed.
Long term means has lasted, or is expected to last, more than 12 months.
Clear diagnosis is definitive confirmation of the health condition or impairment.
Please note: all evidence is required in English. It is the responsibility of the student to have their evidence translated into English with a reputable translation service, they are responsible for bearing any costs associated with this too.
If you are unsure if your evidence is suitable, please send a copy to us at We would be happy to review it, and may be able to provide interim support whilst further suitable evidence is obtained.
Disability Evidence Pro-forma
To help students obtain suitable medical evidence, Disability & Inclusion have created a disability evidence pro-forma, along with some guidance notes, which can be found on our Policies page.
Please ask your GP, or other suitable practitioner, to complete this on your behalf.
Students are responsible for obtaining and paying for any tests to establish eligibility for support.
Students who are unable to afford these costs can apply to the University’s Student Support Fund. This is a means-tested process and will require you to provide evidence of financial hardship.
Conditions requiring alternative evidence
For some conditions, a letter from your GP will not be suitable, and alternative evidence will be required. Information on these conditions can be found below.
Examination Arrangements
If you have a disability or specific learning difficulty, you may require special exam arrangements to ensure you have access to a fair and equal assessment.
An “examination arrangement” is the name given to any alteration to a standard examination.
Examination arrangements might include things like:
- extra time
- rest breaks
- Use of a smaller room, away from the main examination venue
- use of a computer
- a support worker to assist you, such as a reader, scribe or prompter.
Examination arrangements are provided based on suitable evidence, and are made on a case by case basis..
Please note, arrangements you have had at school, or in the past, may not be appropriate within a Higher Education environment, and will not automatically transfer to your studies at the University of Chester. You should reapply for them once at university.
Applying for Examination Arrangements
To request arrangements for your exams:
- Contact to register with Disability & Inclusion.
- Provide suitable evidence of your disability (if you have this).
Examination Deadlines
If you have a disability or specific learning difficulty and need arrangements for your examinations and discussed your needs with Disability & Inclusion in advance of the published examination deadlines. Depending on the arrangements you feel you need, you may be required to provide evidence to support your request.
- Level 5 Students - Friday 2nd Feb 2024.
- Level 4, 6 & Foundation Students - Friday 1st March 2024.
Support after the Published Deadlines
If examination support documents are drawn up after the published examination deadlines above, then only 25% extra time will be put in place for the current assessment period; any other adjustments will be implemented for all future assessments.
If support documents are drawn up less than 2 weeks prior to the assessment period then adjustments will not be implemented until the next assessment period.