This course is delivered in three terms of 10 weeks each. In each term students study 40 credits comprising either one or two modules. Scheduled contact hours range between approximately 8 and 12 hours per week depending upon level of study and the complexity of the material being taught.
For your Business modules, there will be a mix of in person lectures and workshops.
The majority of teaching for Spanish will be in small groups, in seminars and workshops. Spanish is used as much as possible, appropriate to your level. Students will also undertake some structured activities online, allowing them to make the best use of their independent study time whilst developing essential digital skills.
Teaching will be delivered by experienced academics in the field. This will be supplemented by talks by practitioners and occasional guest lecturers.
Students will be assessed through a wide range of coursework methods, all of which are designed not only to test their subject knowledge and language proficiency but also to allow them to develop and demonstrate skills that are essential for success after university.
For Spanish, there will be a broad range of assessment methods covering all four language skills: reception, production, mediation and interaction. You will be assessed via portfolios of language work and professional skills, group discussions, presentations, recorded podcasts, reflective and research essays and an extended project. Where possible, assessment will draw on real-world situations such as job interviews, business negotiations, mediated dialogues and translation post-editing.
There will be a broad range of assessment methods used throughout the Business Management course to ensure that you are exposed to the different types of tasks you might encounter at the workplace. These will include coursework in the form of reports, portfolios of work, presentations (such as pitches and debates, peer assessment, reflective reviews, evaluation reports.
All teaching is delivered by experienced academics and practitioners, with the fundamental principles of the Chester Future Skills Curriculum at its core - building your subject competence, confidence, and key transferable skills to shape you into a world-ready Chester graduate.