The module aims to develop students' ability to apply financial models and related advanced analytical techniques to inform business decisions and to evaluate possible decision outcomes in a competitive business environment.

The aim of this module is to examine strategic finance issues faced by multinational companies from an international perspective. It focuses on how these companies operate within the global financial environment. Students will learn to identify and analyze the various forms and sources of business risks that multinational companies encounter.

Specifically, the module aims to:

1. To enable students to critically evaluate the international financial environment of a multinational corporation, including financial institutions, financial markets and exchange rate systems.

2. To critically examine and evaluate the principal concepts in the theory and practice of international financial management.

3. To analyse, apply and evaluate financial strategies through application of relevant analytical tools to examine and assess major issues and developments in international financial management.

4. To provide a critical understanding of the principles of risk exposures and the management of its international financial operations

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

1. Analyse the environment in which international financial management is undertaken and discuss the structure of a MNC.

2. Critically assess the operations of the currency and derivatives markets and theories of exchange rate determination.

3. Define, assess and apply techniques and methods to evaluate and manage exposures and risks deriving from international business.

4. Apply the principal concepts, theories and appropriate tools in international financial management and reflect upon contemporary thinking to analyse and evaluate the international financial strategies of organisations, capital structure and financing of MNCs.

5. Assess a wide body of empirical research literature on contemporary issues relating to international financial management and critically appraise it. 


Group theory is the mathematical study of symmetry, a concept which appears throughout mathematics, science and nature. Physicists use group theory to describe the properties of fundamental particles of matter, Chemists use it to investigate crystal structure and it plays a central role in our every-day lives in cryptography. In mathematics, groups are found everywhere, in algebraic objects such as rings, field, vector spaces and matrices, in analysis, and in solutions to equations and differential equations.

This module will study groups and their actions on sets and geometric objects.  Highlights include the Jordan Holder Theorem, which allows us to break down groups into their fundamental building blocks, called the simple groups; and Sylow's theorems which are of fundamental importance to understanding the structure of finite groups. Topics covered may include:

  • Groups
  • Subgroups
  • Cosets, normal subgroups, quotient groups
  • Homomorphisms and the Isomorphism Theorems
  • The Classification of finite abelian groups
  • Group actions and the Orbit-Stabiliser Theorem
  • The Jordan Holder Theorem
  • Simple Groups
  • Sylow Theory
  • Solvable Groups

Vector calculus and partial differential equations are indispensable tools in science. These topics are essential to our understanding of electromagnetism and quantum mechanics in physics, and also to the modelling of physical phenomenon such that fluid flow and heat conduction. This course is divided into two halves. The first half will cover topics related to three-dimensional geometry and vector calculus including: vector-valued functions, parametrised curves, line integrals and conservative vector fields, multiple integrals, surface integrals, the theorems of Green and Stokes, and the Divergence Theorem. The second half focusses on the theory of and techniques for solving partial differential equations. Topics covered will include: first order PDEs, classification and techniques for solving linear second order PDEs, Fourier series, the method of separation of variables applied to the heat, wave and Laplace equations, and Fourier transforms.


Numerical analysis is the exploration of algorithms that rely on numerical approximation; this is invaluable for the study of many complicated problems, where an exact solution is very difficult, or even impossible to obtain. Its applications extend across mathematics, physical sciences and engineering, and, in the 21st century, have expanded into life sciences, social sciences, medicine, business, and even the arts. This module serves as an introduction to the fundamental techniques and methodologies for solving mathematical problems using numerical methods and equips students with the skills needed to analyse, design, and implement numerical algorithms effectively across a broad range of mathematical problems.

The topics include:

  • Solving nonlinear equations, finding roots, Newton iteration and related methods.
  • Introduction to optimisation, optimisation of functions of several variables, with and without constraints.
  • Interpolation and approximations: Lagrange interpolation, Hermite interpolations,
  • Numerical integration and differentiation: Trapezoidal method, Simpson method.
  • Solutions of ordinary differential equations: Euler method, Runge-Kutta method, multistep methods, stability, convergence.
  • Solution techniques for partial differential equations including the heat equation.
  • Implementation and programming, e.g., Python, MATLAB.
  • Error analysis: developing an understanding of the sources of error in numerical computations and methods for analysing and controlling numerical errors.

The project gives the student an opportunity to apply theory learned on the programme and to develop skills of self-discipline, project management and written communication.

Students will negotiate with tutors the precise title and objectives of the project. Students will study the art of mathematical writing and communication. Tutors will provide appropriate levels of support and advice.