Female electronics engineer runs vehicle testsFemale electronics engineer runs vehicle tests

Course Summary

The MSc gives you the chance to learn advanced concepts that cover areas of mechanical engineering, including materials science, thermofluids/energy systems, rigid/deformable body mechanics, manufacturing, strategy and design. This is reinforced with an examination of project and research methods, which provides students with an advanced skillset in professional and research practice. 

Mechanical Engineering is the innovative application of engineering and management sciences, which underpin existing and emerging technologies, to the complete life cycle of all mechanical devices, machines and systems. The MSc curriculum has been developed to provide an advanced mechanical engineering education at Master’s level, and the intention is to produce graduates with a strong academic background who are ready to enter cutting-edge industry. 

The course is delivered by the Faculty of Science, Business and Engineering, and is located at the historic Exton Park site in Chester. Graduates of the course will be in demand from a broad spectrum of engineering organisations, particularly those within the automotive, aerospace, R&D, consultancy and manufacturing sectors. The transferable skills that can be gained from this course will mean that graduates are also able to enter careers in management, finance, IT and the armed forces.

There is an option to choose a Project/Placement year for this course, at an additional cost.

Switch combined course content

Optional 2-year master's to suit your needs

Choosing a Professional Placement MSc is a win-win for your career, giving you the chance to get real experience, apply your cutting-edge skills in the workplace and stand out to future employers.

In the first year you will have help from the University to find a placement, whilst developing your expertise. You will then spend your second year out in industry on placement, getting the chance to work with industry professionals and grow your network of industry contacts. Bringing your university-acquired knowledge and insights to industry, you will get to make a difference to the workplace and make lasting links with your employer.

Students need to find and secure their own placement, supported by the University. A preparation module will also help you to get ready for your placement.

What you’llStudy

The course has a core theme addressing advanced issues in mechanical engineering and manufacturing, which will equip you to deal with complex problems using a wide range of contemporary techniques. Additionally, the development of a rigorous approach to research and original enquiry will be fostered in our Research Methods and project modules.
If you choose a placement or project year, the Research Dissertation module will be replaced by a placement or project module.

Module content:

To include:

  • Time management, library skills and literature search
  • Evaluation of information sources
  • Critical analysis of information
  • Ethical issues in science, technology and engineering research (including intellectual property and plagiarism)
  • Writing for research: styles and rules for presentation (including referencing standards)
  • Choosing a research area and evaluating source material
  • Hypothesis formation
  • Research approaches and methodologies
  • Design and application of questionnaires & interviews
  • Quantitative and statistical tools for researchers (e.g. R, Python, SPSS)

Module aims:

  • To clarify the distinctions between undergraduate and postgraduate level work and expectations
  • To increase students' experience in order to conduct a professional study and to use sampling procedures and analysing techniques.
  • To improve students' appreciation of time management and how to conduct a literature search
  • To reinforce students' research skills
  • To consolidate students' appreciation of professional issues such as copyright and ethics

Module content:

Theory and critical understanding:

  • Linear and non-linear structural capabilities
  • Linear and non-linear dynamic capabilities
  • Thermal capabilities
  • Analysis of turbulence
  • Boundary conditions
  • Finite element fluid dynamics capabilities
  • Interpretation of information generated
  • Elements and use of symmetry
  • Modelling considerations
  • Solver method (direct and iterative)
  • Solution convergence, error and mesh discretisation

Formulation, solution and critical analysis of problems through application of FEA software:

Typical case studies:

  • Explicit analysis: Impact dynamics, crush test simulation, drop test modelling, shock propagation, component failure;
  • Advanced materials: Anisotropic plasticity, concrete, shape memory alloys, cast iron (joint), composite laminate;
  • Non-linear behaviour: Contact, large deflection, buckling, plasticity, creep, viscoelasticity;
  • Fatigue analysis: Stress and strain life
  • Dynamics: Modal, Damping, Harmonic, Spectrum, Transient analysis.
  • Thermal: conduction, isothermal boundaries, convection, heat fluxes, internal heat generation, radiation.
  • Fluid: Incompressible and compressible flow, turbulence, waves, buoyancy

Module aims:

This is a research based module and the purposes of this module are to deepen the topics studied in the prerequisite module at level 6 and provide more realistic FEA experience in relation to real world practical engineering problems.  This module will allow students to gain an understanding of modern concepts of Structural Integrity and Dynamics of engineering components using analytical, numerical and experimental technique with practical examples of using FEA. 

Module content:

Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources

  • Energy sources including wind, solar, bio-fuel, tidal, wave, hydroelectric, nuclear and fossil fuel.
  • Sustainability with reference to resource depletion, energy audit and carbon audit.
  • The issue of "Peak oil" and its significance.
  • Environmental impact of different energy sources including extraction from the environment and conversion to usable energy forms. Radioactive waste - the long-term storage issues.
  • The need for, and forms of energy storage.
  • Overview of machines used in power generation; Models of mass and energy flow through machines. Conversion of rotational into electrical energy. Generators powered by renewable-energy.

Sustainability and Energy Systems

  • The efficient production and use of energy by society.
  • Energy markets and the impact that these can have on the behaviour of the energy consumer; demand-side management.
  • Energy security - local vs. centralised production of electrical energy.
  • The definition of sustainability applied to energy production and usage and its implications to a sustainable human society.
  • World energy use.
  • Future energy scenarios.
  • Environmental and social impacts of energy use of energy and machines.
  • External economic costs and value of renewable energy.
  • Policies and strategies on carbon reduction (Kyoto, CDM, RE, carbon capture, efficiency measures).
  • Sustainability of energy and fuels, and end of life issues for machines.
  • Socio-political, environmental, and economic factors influencing the development of energy systems, and the importance of life-cycle analysis.
  • The coming of the mega city – managing resources in and waste out.
  • Legal rights to resources.

Module aims:

Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources       
The aim is to give students an understanding of the issues involved in the provision of energy and the consequences to the environment of making alternative choices in that provision. This module aims to provide knowledge and understanding of the design issues associated with conventional renewable-energy systems, and the integration of renewable-energy devises into existing electrical power systems.

Sustainability and Energy Systems          
Students will investigate the directions of future development in energy technologies, and make informed decisions about energy generation, conversion, transportation and usage.  Students will explore the environmental and socio-economic problems associated with world energy use, and they will examine policy and other strategic mechanisms designed to mitigate harm to environmental and socio-economic systems.

Module content:

Indicative module content:

Background to laser design and operation

  • Principles of lasers
  • Laser construction concepts
  • Types of lasers

Fundamentals of laser material processing

  • Electromagnetic radiation
  • Reflection or absorption
  • Refraction
  • Interference
  • Diffraction
  • Laser beam characteristics
  • Focusing with a single lens
  • Optical components

Processes and novel laser applications for materials

  • Laser cutting and drilling
  • Laser welding
  • Laser surface treatment
  • Rapid prototyping and low-volume manufacturing
  • Laser ablative processes, macro- and micromachining
  • Laser cleaning
  • Biomedical laser processes
  • Laser automation and in-process control


  • Mathematical theory
  • Simulation

Laser Safety

  • General safety concerns
  • Laser classification
  • Electrical and fume hazards

Module aims:

Background to laser design and operation/ Fundamentals of laser material processing

An understanding of the theory, principles and techniques used in Laser-materials processing (LMP) are required before more advanced understanding can be achieved. This includes knowledge of the stimulated emission phenomenon, techniques used to generate laser light, laser delivery methods and a detailed understanding of optics, including thin lens theory and the ability to identify the range of optics needed for laser beam transmission and manipulation. 

Processes and novel laser applications

Students will understand the importance of wavelength in laser interactions with materials; industrial processes will be classified by wavelength and detailed description of each process including modelling techniques will be covered. These principles will be reinforced by independent projects undertaken by the students. 

Students will learn to identify and describe the potential benefits to manufacturing processes offered by the application of lasers as a result of their unique characteristics. This knowledge requires advanced application of the multidisciplinary content of a mechanical engineering degree in areas such as materials science, dynamics, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics and electronics.


Students will learn to apply mathematical models to predict future process outcomes on the basis of the present understanding.

Laser Safety

Students will be instructed in the principles of safe use of laser sources; covering the risk classification system, the relevance of wavelength, prevention and mitigation techniques as well as a wide range of associated considerations.  

Module content:

Manufacturing Processes:

Polymer and Composite Processing
Chemical machining
Electrochemical machining and grinding
Electrical discharge machining (EDM)
Water jet machining
Abrasive jet machining.
Rapid Prototyping and Additive Manufacture
Computerised numerical control in manufacturing processes and emerging manufacturing processes
Environmental, economic and social sustainability considerations in manufacturing processes

Manufacturing systems:

Introduction to Lean Production: 7 wastes, Kanban systems, Just in time (JIT)
Total Quality Management (TQM)

Inventory Modelling and Economic Order Quantities (EOQs)

Material Requirements Planning
(MRP) and Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP)
Supervisory control in the manufacturing environment
Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS)
Petri Nets

Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)

Cloud and digital manufacturing, Industry 4.0, Internet of Things (IoT)

Module aims:

The purpose of this module is to provide students with the ability to select and develop appropriate manufacturing processes and systems to produce components and products, both existing and novel, informed by critical appraisal of existing and emerging knowledge. 

Module content:

Students will undertake a major design project of interest and relevance to industry, applying level 7 knowledge in Project Management, Teamwork and Leadership;   research methodology, analytical, experimental, modelling and design.
The projects will contain both ‘research’ and ‘design’ components. Research will involve sourcing and critically evaluating relevant information from a wide range of technical and other sources, including the validation analytical, computational, and experimental aspects. Design work will contain specification, concept generation, detail design, analysis, prototyping/manufacture and test. All projects must be conducted with reference to environmental, economic and social responsibility aspects of sustainability and account for commercial, strategic and risk issues that would be involved in implementing their design solution within an engineering business.

Students are expected to schedule regular meetings with their project supervisor to receive on going feedback on progress, and develop an understanding of the relevant ideas and work in the chosen subject area. Students will gain an overview of the possible approaches to the given problem, initially through suggestions from their supervisor, and then from their own investigations, research work and group discussions.

Module aims:

 This module provides a learning experience that enables students to apply critically-appraised engineering knowledge in developing innovative optimal solutions to industry-scale engineering problems while working in a collaborative team environment. 

Module content:

Each student undertakes an individual project, at Masters level, in an area related to the MSc programme. The project area is chosen by the student at the beginning of the academic programme in consultation and agreement with potential supervisors. The project may be university-based or carried out in an engineering-related organisation. A key aspect of the MSc project is that it requires students to inform the project activities with critically-appraised new and emerging knowledge of the engineering discipline.

 The project process would involve students employing advanced skill in problem definition, delineation of deliverables, project planning, systematic, comprehensive and critical review of literature, research methodology, robust analysis and discussion of results, generation of evidence-informed engineering solutions and conclusions.

The project would include consideration of the non-technical context of the problem such as environmental, economic and social sustainability impacts. 

The engagement with project supervisor, enables student to develop in-depth understanding of the chosen area of the engineering discipline as well as acquire important skills of effective communication within a community of practice. The assessment of the MSc project enables the student to develop key skills on clear communication of complex technical information to specialist and non-specialist audience.

Module aims:

The individual project provides students with a learning experience  to solve challenging engineering problems by employing critically-appraised current, new and emerging knowledge.

It affords students the opportunity to demonstrate to peers and to current and potential employers the student’s ability to develop innovative engineering solutions informed by good quality academic research, in a particular field, relevant to engineering. This may involve the application of existing research within a novel context.

Who you’ll Learn from

Dr Oladele Owodunni

Programme for MSc Mechanical Engineering
Dr Oladele Owodunni

Dr Simon Hodgson

Programme Lead for MRes Applied Science Lecturer in Physical and Engineering Sciences
Dr Simon Hodgson

Yunhao Liang

Yunhao Liang

Dr David Ward

Programme Leader for Chemical Engineering BEng (Hons)
profile picture of david ward

How you'll Learn


The course will be delivered at our modern facilities at Exton Park in Chester, and using online methods, as appropriate. 

You will be taught using a mixture of lectures, workshops, laboratory/design sessions, seminars and case studies. 


Assessment for the course is oriented towards practicality, with exam elements reduced in favour of a focus on modules that assess student learning via coursework.

Entry Requirements

2:2 honours degree

Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, or in a related area, with a minimum of 2:2 classification. All applications are considered on a case-by-case basis to ensure an appropriate fit to the programme of study.

2:2 honours degree

Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, or in a related area, with a minimum of 2:2 classification. All applications are considered on a case-by-case basis to ensure an appropriate fit to the programme of study 

Please note, students requiring a visa to study in the UK must apply for an ATAS certificate to complete this course. Details of this will be included on your offer letter. More information on this process can be found here.

English Language Requirements  

For more information on our English Language requirements, please visit International Entry Requirements

Where you'll Study Exton Park, Chester

Fees and Funding

£9,360 for the full course (2024/25)

Guides to the fees for students who wish to commence postgraduate courses in the academic year 2024/25 are available to view on our Postgraduate Taught Programmes Fees page.

The professional placement/project year will cost an additional £2,650, due at the start of the second year of the course.

£14,750 for the full course (2024/25)

The tuition fees for international students studying Postgraduate programmes in 2024/25 are £14,750.

The professional placement/project year will cost an additional £2,650 (due at the start of the second year of the course), totaling £17,400 for the full course fee 2024/25.

The University of Chester offers generous international and merit-based scholarships for postgraduate study, providing a significant reduction to the published headline tuition fee. You will automatically be considered for these scholarships when your application is reviewed, and any award given will be stated on your offer letter.  

For more information, go to our International Fees, Scholarship and Finance section.

Irish Nationals living in the UK or ROI are treated as Home students for Tuition Fee Purposes.  

Your course will involve additional costs not covered by your tuition fees. This may include books, printing, photocopying, educational stationery and related materials, specialist clothing, travel to placements, optional field trips and software. Compulsory field trips are covered by your tuition fees. 

If you are living away from home during your time at university, you will need to cover costs such as accommodation, food, travel and bills. 

The University of Chester supports fair access for students who may need additional support through a range of bursaries and scholarships.

Full details, as well as terms and conditions for all bursaries and scholarships can be found on the Fees & Finance section of our website.

Your future Career

Job prospects

Automotive, aerospace, R&D, consultancy and manufacturing sectors. Transferable skills allow graduates to explore careers in management, finance, IT and the armed forces. 

Careers service

The University has an award-winning Careers and Employability service which provides a variety of employability-enhancing experiences; through the curriculum, through employer contact, tailored group sessions, individual information, advice and guidance.

Careers and Employability aims to deliver a service which is inclusive, impartial, welcoming, informed and tailored to your personal goals and aspirations, to enable you to develop as an individual and contribute to the business and community in which you will live and work.

We are here to help you plan your future, make the most of your time at University and to enhance your employability. We provide access to part-time jobs, extra-curricular employability-enhancing workshops and offer practical one-to-one help with career planning, including help with CVs, applications and mock interviews. We also deliver group sessions on career planning within each course and we have a wide range of extensive information covering graduate jobs.