Applying for MPhil/PhD

Applications are welcomed from students interested in pursuing either a full-time or part-time Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) awards. These awards are assessed on the basis of a thesis reporting individual research.

In some subjects (e.g., Fine Art or Performing Arts), it may be possible to undertake a 'practice-based' MPhil or PhD. This involves producing a body of work with a shorter thesis setting the work within an academic context.

Studying for an MPhil or a PhD is very much an individual activity, and research topics vary widely, according to personal interests. As one of our students, we will help nurture your interests and develop skills and insights that are essential to your future progress.

Students are initially registered to MPhil with progression to PhD following Annual Review. To assist you, we offer access to expert supervision, modern, well-equipped laboratories and library facilities. There are currently around 650 postgraduate research students, based in Schools and Research Centres across the University.

Submit a Postgraduate Research Enquiry

Length of Study

The time it takes to complete your research can vary:

  • MPhil, full-time, should take no less than one calendar year, but normally two years. You must submit it within four years.
  • MPhil, part-time, should take no less than two calendar years (time spent during this should be equivalent to no less than one year full-time). You must submit it within six years.
  • PhD, full time, should take no less than two calendar years, but normally three years. You must submit within four years.
  • PhD, part-time, should take no less than four calendar years (time spent during this should be equivalent to no less than two years full-time). You must submit it within seven years.
  • Students wishing to pursue a PhD usually register for an MPhil in the first instance and upgrade to a PhD after demonstrating “satisfactory progress” with your research.

A full-time student is expected to devote the whole of their time to research, and can undertake other part-time work where appropriate.

Entry Points

Our MPhil and PhD programmes usually commence in October, January and May each year.

International Students

If you are a prospective international student, please complete our Research Enquiry Form or contact us with any queries you may have. Please note that, if you require a visa to study with us, there are specific application deadlines.

Several University of Chester research bursaries, scholarships and studentships are available each year:

  • International Scholarships: Self-funding international PGR students are entitled to a £1,000 international scholarship (full-time; £500 part-time) as a discount off the headline fee. Sponsored students are charged the full listed fee. This applies to all PGR programmes, including Professional Doctorates.


Research Degrees are assessed on the basis of a thesis reporting individual research. Your thesis should be as concise as possible, with an absolute upper limit of 60,000 words for MPhil and 100,000 words for PhD, including footnotes and appendices. Students studying for MPhil and PhD programmes also have a viva voce examination.

Availability of Funded Places

Available vacancies for funded Research Student opportunities will be posted in the Studentship Vacancies section of this website. There is no need to use the Research Enquiry Form for Studentship opportunities.

Please note that departmental funding is not currently available, applicants will be expected to be self-funding, unless applying for a specific scholarship.

Submit a Postgraduate Research Enquiry

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