Language Option Modules

Spring Term Optional Language Module - Learn a language alongside your studies!
You now have the opportunity to pick an optional module to learn a new language or build on your existing language skills as part of your degree.
Pick up a 20-credit module in your first year (Level 4) and go on to study a 40-credit module in your second year (Level 5).
On the Level 4, 20-credit module, it is possible to take:
- German, Spanish or Italian with no previous knowledge
- Chinese, French and Spanish at post GCSE
- French, German or Spanish at post-A Level
The Level 5, 40-credit modules require a basic foundation of knowledge of your chosen language e.g. GCSE or equivalent, a Level 4 module in the same language or equivalent previous learning. This module includes an optional placement abroad, such as an intensive course at a partner university.
Make sure you talk to your PAT or your Course Leader if you have questions about how this will fit with your studies.
Face the future with confidence as you enhance your CV by learning something new as you get connected to the world at Chester.
Contact for more information on how you can get started.