Using Artificial Intelligence in your Academic Studies

A female student working at her computer with a transparent image of a brain surrounded with icon bubbles.

Understanding how and when you can use AI 

As a brand-new student at the University of Chester, it is important you have a good understanding of Artificial Intelligence to bolster your digital literacy and to better understand our guidelines regarding using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in your assessments: 

  • You should only use an artificial intelligence tool to support you in the preparation of work for assessment where your tutors have indicated that its use might be helpful or where it is part of the assessment brief.  
  • If you do use an artificial intelligence tool, you must clearly show which parts of your work have been created by using it and you must describe how you have used the tool. 
  • If you misuse an artificial intelligence tool or fail to declare the use of artificial intelligence in your work and you are later found to have breached the Academic Conduct Policy because of this, the penalties can be serious.    

We understand you may have used Artificial Intelligence in your assignments at your previous institution or workplace, however it is important you follow our guidelines during your time at the University to uphold good academic conduct and learn to use AI responsibly.  

Complete the AI Moodle Module 

Once you have received your official Welcome email, you’ll have access to the Generative Artificial (GenAI) Intelligence Literacies module on Moodle which aims to improve your understanding of these tools and provides guidance to help you make decisions about responsible use of the tools, if your assessment brief indicates that you are permitted to use them.  On this site you can also find helpful information on a range of associated topics, including prompt engineering, critically evaluating sources and the different types of GenAI tools available.  

 Gaining a wider, critical understanding of GenAI tools and their inputs and outputs, is useful to improve your digital skills and literacy and can help you to better understand responsible use of AI both at the university and later on in the workplace.  Please take the time to complete this module before you start any assessment and remember to check your assessment briefs to identify if you are permitted to use AI or ask a tutor if you are unsure.  

Further guidance on AI 

If you are unsure about whether GenAI is permitted for use in your assessments, the Academic Conduct and GenAI Declaration tile on the GenAI Literacies Moodle module offers further guidance and step by step instructions about how to check whether you can use GenAI and how to declare its use.