
These pages have been designed as a repository of Disability & Inclusion's Policies, documents and forms that may be beneficial to our students.
Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs)
If you are unable to evacuate a building (including the use of stairs) safely and independently we advise that a PEEP is created for you.
The University encourage all students to disclose any impairment or medical condition which affects their ability to evacuate a building safely and independently, in order that a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) can be made to ensure their safe evacuation in the event of an emergency.
Is a PEEP for me?
You may require a PEEP if you have a visual impairment, have reduced mobility or if you have ASC or anxiety and you may benefit from reassurance and instructions from staff during an emergency evacuation.
You may benefit form having your timetabled teaching sessions on the ground floor only (whenever possible) as you are unable to use stairs or you may need to use an evac chair.
The PEEP covers such areas as:
Informing Evacuation Assistants of what support you require.
Advising you of the locations of refuge points and primary and secondary evacuation routes.
If required, arranging practice with using an Evac-Chair.
Arranging for a walk through of University buildings for familiarisation with evacuation routes.
Next Steps
If you feel that you will benefit from a PEEP, please Register for a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) below.
If you feel that you do not require a PEEP please complete the PEEP Not Required Statement below
Please contact us on studentservices@chester.ac.uk if you have any questions.
Epilepsy & Seizures
If you experience epileptic or non-epileptic seizures or absences, we strongly encourage you to register for a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP).
To ensure that staff can best support you during a seizure on campus we also ask that you complete the following documents;
- Epilepsy & Seizure Questionnaire
- Epilepsy Care Plan
These documents can be accessed under Disability Documents and Forms under "Epilepsy & Seizures".
Please contact us on disability@chester.ac.uk if you have any questions.