A group in a biomedical lab doing tests using testing equipment.

Course Summary

Develop clinical skills and in-depth knowledge on how the human body functions, how it reacts to disease and the drugs that are used to treat disease. Our healthcare system relies on medical scientists to help diagnose disease, evaluate the effectiveness of treatment, and research the causes and cures of diseases. During this course you will gain knowledge of topics integral to medical science and develop clinical skills.

Our Medical Science course is taught by enthusiastic Chester Medical School academic and professional staff, who will provide continuous support throughout your studies and use an integrated approach to look at all areas of molecular and clinical medicine. They are research active and continually strive to promote new thinking and discovery; publishing research findings and discussing their work at national and international conferences.

You will have the opportunity to join a research team to undertake your research dissertation in the final year, which will provide an ideal springboard into postgraduate-entry Medicine or Physician Associate studies, as well as medical or biomedical research.


What you'll Study

In Year 1, you will gain an understanding of fundamental concepts such as anatomy, physiology, cell biology and biochemistry. You will also build core knowledge and competency within a lab environment.

Module content:

The biology of cells of higher organisms to include their structure and function and synthesis of cell membranes and cell organelles.

Transport of molecules in, out and around the cell; endocytosis, exocytosis, vesicular transport, membrane receptors and intracellular signalling.

The cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix and movement of cells.

The cell cycle and its regulation.

Stem cells and differentiation.

Cell death.

Genetic basis of cancer and personalized treatment.

Module aims:

The module aims to give an understanding of the structure and function of eukaryotic cells, how they are regulated and some of their basic functions. 

Module content:

Mendelian genetics.


Modern evolutionary theory.

Molecular genetics.

Transcription and translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

Regulation of gene expression.

Module aims:

The module is designed to provide students with an understanding of:

the basic principles and concepts in classical and modern genetics.

the application of genetic analysis to human disease.

bacterial genetics.

the processes of gene transcription and translation and how they are regulated in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

Module content:

Microorganisms - classification.

Applications of microbes in medicine and industry.

Bacterial, fungal and viral structures and growth.

Introduction to microbial pathogenesis.

Parasitic organisms.

Antibiotics and bacterial resistance.

Development of public health service and WHO.

Public water supply: sources, treatment and uses.

Microbiological issues relating to water quality and health.

Microbiological hazards in food – analysis of selected issues.

Investigation of microbiological food poisoning/infection.

Immune responses to infection


Module aims:

To give students an understanding of the variety of microorganisms and their cell biology.

To appreciate relationships between health, microorganisms and the environment.

To understand selected environmental health issues relevant to water and food microbiology.

To develop analytical skills in data handling and in appropriate practical investigations. relevant to human health. 

Module content:

The study of the systems of the body at the organ and cellular level to include:

Nervous system.

Cardiovascular system.

Musculoskeletal system.

Digestive system.

Respiratory system.

Renal system.

Reproductive system.

Study the interdependence of the various systems in health and how homeostasis is maintained.

How cells communicate and send signals to other cells, hormones, cytokines, electrical impulses.  

Module aims:

To give the student a thorough knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the human body and how it works in health and how that healthy state is maintained at both organ and cellular level.

Module content:

Literature & referencing skills

  • Types of scientific literature and different writing styles
  • Literature searching skills
  • Reading academic literature
  • When and how to reference (APA referencing style)
  • Use of reference management software (e.g. EndNote)

Numerical skills

  • Basic laboratory maths

Practical, analytical and data-interpretation skills

  • Laboratory health and safety regulations
  • Basic laboratory practical skills and techniques
  • Recording and analysing data in the laboratory
  • Data entry and spreadsheet design (Excel)
  • Statistics – statistical significance and basic statistical tests
  • Data entry and statistical analysis using appropriate software (e.g. SPSS or Jamovi)
  • Interpretation of statistical analysis

Communication, presentation and IT skills

  • Data presentation
  • Forms of academic writing within life sciences and the use of appropriate scientific language
  • Report writing (Word processing)
  • Oral presentation skills
    (PowerPoint including audio capture function)
  • Poster presentations

Professional development skills

  • Independent and group work
  • Time management
  • Note-taking skills
  • Revision skills
  • Professional practice
  • CVs, cover letters and interviews 

Module aims:

The main aim of this module is to introduce and develop skills relevant to life science students with a specific focus on the following areas: literature and referencing, numerical skills, practical and data-analysis skills, communication and IT skills and professional development skills. The module provides students with the opportunity to understand and develop key skills and concepts required to support the material covered in other modules at Level 4 and in preparation for more advanced study at levels 5 and 6.


Module content:

Module contents

  1. An overview of the chemical components of the cell
  2. Amino acids and proteins
  3. Lipids and carbohydrates
  4. Energy in Biochemistry - thermodynamics, bioenergetics and the role of ATP
  5. Properties of enzymes
  6. Principles of metabolism and regulation
  7. Glucose metabolism -glycolysis, gluconeogenesis and the Krebs cycle,
  8. Mitochondria and the electron transport chain
  9. Spectroscopic techniques in biochemistry – UV-visible, fluorescence IR, NMR and Mass Spectrometry
  10. Protein structure and function
  11. Protein and DNA purification methods

Module aims:

The module is designed to provide students with a basic understanding of the structure, properties and function of biologically important macromolecules. It will also provide them with the concept of bioenergetics, enzymes and metabolism. additionally the use of spectroscopy in biochemistry and how macromolecules are purified will be covered. 

Year 2 introduces immunology and pathophysiology and covers more advanced topics in medical science. You will enhance your laboratory and research skills as well as have the opportunity to develop clinical skills.

Module content:

    • The nature of disease and pathology
    • Tissue damage and cell death processes
    • Basics of cancer biology, cancer detection and treatment
    • Haematology (functions & dys-functions of the blood)
    • Ageing and age related disease
    • Cardiovascular disease and obesity
    • Role of reactive oxygen species and cytokines in disease
    • Pregnancy related complications.

Module aims:

The module is intended to provide students with an introduction to the biology of disease that is applicable to human science. It will:

  • Develop understanding of fundamental concepts of aetiology, pathology and epidemiology which may be applied in further studies.
  • Review the causes and effects of a range of significant diseases, especially those prevalent in the UK.
  • Provide an opportunity for students to develop written and presentation skills.
  • Provide an opportunity to take on self-directed research of relevant topics.

Module content:

Module content

  1. Overview of metabolic regulation
  2. Carbohydrate metabolism
  3. Amino acid metabolism and the Urea cycle
  4. Lipid metabolism and nucleotide metabolism
  5. The pentose phosphate pathway and its role in red blood cells
  6. Methods of studying metabolism and metabolomics
  7. Rate controlling steps in metabolism
  8. Allosteric enzymes and covalent modification
  9. Metabolic control by hormones
  10. Whole body metabolism and the role of the liver
  11. Blood lipids in health and disease
  12. Inborn errors in metabolism
  13. Obesity and diabetes
  14. Metabolic related clinical case studies

Module aims:

This module aims to provide the student with an understanding of key biochemical concepts such as regulation of enzyme kinetics, metabolic pathways (carbohydrate, protein and lipids), metabolic regulation, and pathological metabolism (including inherited metabolic diseases). The practical work aims to give students an opportunity to further investigate and reinforce knowledge of key lecture biochemical topics through practical sessions.



Module content:

• Review of the major disease processes and their descriptive terminology.

• Risk factors for, classification and aetiology of the major diseases (e.g. disorders of the immune system, organ dysfunction, cancer).

• Clinical assessment, diagnosis and treatment interventions (medical and surgical) in the management of major diseases and disorders.

  • Biochemical tests for selected disorders of organ function and human biochemistry.
  • Interpretation of histological sections.

• Integration of physiological systems and their impact on disease progression and management, including monitoring of measurable outcomes.

• Specific classes of therapeutics, mode of action, distribution, metabolism, elimination.

Module aims:

A detailed understanding of diagnostics and medicine in a clinical setting.

An understanding of major diagnostic methods, therapeutic interventions and treatment strategies.

An appreciation of current research which underpins the evaluation and development of drugs in clinical and experimental settings.

The module will communicate pharmacological and bioanalytical knowledge relevant to the Biomedical Scientists and Health Care Professional.         

Module content:

  • Architecture of the human genome and genetic variation within it.
  • Centre dogma, understanding the relationship between DNA, RNA and proteins.
  • Gene regulation: enhancers, promoters, transcription factors, silencers.
  • DNA sequence variation, type and frequency, e.g. single nucleotide variants, small insertions and deletions, copy number variation, rearrangements and tandem repeats.
  • Genes and proteins, the flow of genetic information via transcription and translation
  • Introduction to linkage, linkage disequilibrium and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
  • Mutational mechanisms: how different types of DNA variants affect gene function or expression to cause disease.
  • Correlation of genotype with phenotype.
  • Genetic diseases, cancer therapy and biomarkers
  • Measurements of DNA, RNA and Protein.
  • Modes of inheritance for clinical manifestation of human variation.

Module aims:

This module will provide a clear understanding of the structure and variations in genetic material covering basic genetics and genomics. The module will review the measurement of and role of DNA, RNA and proteins in the cell and the relationship between them, this module will explore the architecture of the human genome, the functional units embedded in it (enhancers, promoters, introns, exons, and untranslated regions). The ‘Genomic Variation’ with respect to DNA sequence variation – including single nucleotide variants (SNVs), insertions and deletions (indels), copy number variants (CNVs) and chromosomal aneuploidies – and how variation arises and is structured across the genome,. The module will also review fundamental concepts in genomic medicine, including the resultant of phenotypic changes, pleiotropy and heterogeneity in disease such as cancer. 

Module content:

Fundamentals of immunology.

Innate immunity.

Specific acquired immunity.

B cells and Antibodies.

Membrane receptors for antigen.

Antigen specific recognition.

The anatomy of the immune response.

Lymphocyte activation.

The production of effectors.

The regulation of the immune response.

Development and trafficking of immune cells.

Applied immunology.



Allergy and other hypersensitivities.

Autoimmune diseases.

Module aims:

This module covers the major topics in cellular and molecular immunology, including antigen recognition, antigen processing and presentation to B and T cells, the molecular events leading to the generation of antibody and T cell receptor diversity, antibody effector functions, the role of CD4 and CD8 T cell subsets and NK cells in immune responses, self-tolerance and autoimmunity, the inflammatory response and the role of immunity in protection against pathogens. The module will allow core immunological principles to be utilised in developing research proposals.

Module content:

Support lecture programme (which will include seminars and interviews). 

Interactions with patients: history taking, informed consent, documentation skills.

Health & Safety (COSHH, Risk Assessments),

Clinical Statistics, Record Keeping/Clinical Audits and Research Issues.

Practical skills including Phlebotomy, temperature, blood pressure, Organ dissection, Clinical examination,

Module aims:

To understand the appropriate way to approach patients, take histories and basic life signs.

To develop an understanding and gain general clinical skills.

Students will gain experience of applying and developing skills in an appropriate and relevant setting to make students increasingly responsible for their own learning and encourage them to value and evaluate learning through experience

In Year 3, you will heighten awareness of current advances in the field of medical science. During your dissertation project, you will be able to specialise and focus on a specific area of interest.

Module content:

The module offers students the opportunity to engage in extensive independent study with supervision from a tutor/s. Primary scientific sources should be used to a significant extent in addition to a thorough grounding in the secondary literature.

Students will be given an introduction to the Dissertation during the Professional Skills modules, where guidance will be given on procedures that need to be carried out before any data is collected, e.g. ethical permission and risk assessment.

In Level 6 a small number of lectures will take place during the module to advise on what is expected of students, how to present data and organise work. Students will mainly be prepared for the dissertation during modules in levels 4 and 5.

Module aims:

To enable the student to engage in empirical research and interpretation of a selected topic relevant to their programme of study through the scholarly use of primary and other sources.

Module content:

This module will build upon content delivered in level 4 and level 5 microbiology modules. Topics discussed will include:

  • Microbial pathogenicity.
  • Defences against microbial attack.
  • Antimicrobial and antiviral agents.
  • Human commensal flora.
  • Microbial diseases of selected organ systems.
  • Laboratory detection of microbes of medical importance.
  • Biofilms and quorate sensing.
  • Infection control.
  • Advanced epidemiology.
  • Ethical issues in microbiology.

Module aims:

This module applies the principles and skills of experimental microbiology, discusses the role of microorganisms as causative agents of infectious disease and examines the ways in which they may be controlled. The module particularly builds upon information covered in the Level 5 module “Applied Microbiology”, and complements the Level 6 module “Clinical Medicine and Immunology".


  • To appreciate the relationships that exist between aspects of human biology and microbiology.
  • To understand the factors that influence the establishment of infection and various methods of control.
  • To understand the process of infection and its effects on the major organ systems.

Module content:


  • Normal blood cell populations - overview of immunology and haematology.
  • Haematopoiesis and haemopoetic stem cells
  • Blood science laboratory processes - flow cytometry and cytogenetics
  • Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML)
  • Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML)
  • ALL and Car-T cell immuno therapy
  • Myelodysplastic syndromes
  • Bone marrow transplantation
  • Coagulation and bleeding biological processes
  • Anaemias, haemorrhagic and thrombotic diseases
  • Blood transfusion
  • Pregnancy and neonatal haematology
  • Research and clinical trials
  • Screening, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of disease
  • Methods of collection of clinical samples that may be subjected to biochemical analysis
  • Principles and applications of biochemical investigations used for screening, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of disease, including near patient testing
  • Therapeutic monitoring/ drug monitoring.


Module aims:

The module aims to build on previous knowledge of immunology and haematology and focuses on haematopoiesis, haemopoetic stem cells and how the malignant and non-malignant haematological diseases develop. The module will encompass various aspects related to haematology laboratory testing and diagnostic procedures including routine haematology, transfusion and coagulation.


Modification of learning outcomes to streamline the module and to address the external examiners comments

Module content:

1 Genetic variation detection.

2 Autosomal dominant and recessive inheritance.

3 Sex-linked and nontraditional modes of inheritance.

4 Epigenetics.

5 Small non-coding RNAs in regulation of gene expression.

6 Omics: transcriptomics, proteomics, bioinformatics.

7 Genetic testing and gene therapy.

8 Genetics and precision medicine.

9 Clinical genetics and genetic counselling.

Module aims:

The aim of the module is to give students an appreciation of the clinical genetics specialist area in the biomedical sciences. The module will encompass various aspects related to clinical genetics such as the genetic basis of disorders, sign and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Module content:

1- Principles and practice of clinical immunology, screening and diagnostics

2- Immune diseases and their mechanisms, including systemic and organ specific disorders

3- Immunology of body systems, including neuroimmunology and pregnancy

4- Primary and secondary immunodeficiencies

5- Immunology of tumours and neoplastic diseases and Immunotherapy.

6- Transplantation.

7- Prevention and Therapy of Immunologic Diseases.



Module aims:

The aim of the module is to give students an appreciation of the specialist area of clinical immunology in the biomedical sciences. The module will encompass various aspects related to clinical immunology such as the immunological basis of systemic and organ specific disorders, clinical signs and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Module content:

Advanced understanding in the field of physiology with relevant anatomy, biochemistry and pathophysiology to give students a full understanding on physiology for medicine.

Areas to include

Fluid, electrolyte and acid base balance

Metabolism, energetics and the role of nutrition

Advanced organ physiology

Advanced endocrinology

Pregnancy, Development and inheritance

Module aims:

The module aims develop a critical understanding of the regulation of human physiology: how this is altered during disease, environmental conditions, exercise and ageing.

Module content:

What is required in diagnosis.

The process of clinical diagnosis, especially history taking.

Instruction/demonstration of clinical examination techniques followed by supervised student practise. 

Differential diagnoses.

What investigations to order.

Using this new knowledge with prior learning to develop a management plan for the patient

Module aims:

To understand clinical scenarios in a problem based learning approach in order to identify the correct diagnosis and treatment.

Who you'll Learn from

Dr Gareth Nye

Senior Lecturer
Dr Gareth Nye

How you'll Learn

Teaching on the course comprises a diverse range of methods and styles including lectures, small group tutorials, seminars, computer-based workshops, laboratory practical sessions, e-learning, and problem-based learning. We also have state-of-the-art touch screens for interactive teaching of anatomy and physiology.

Learning is assessed by an equal balance of examinations and coursework. Coursework assessments may consist of laboratory reports, data handling exercises, essays and poster and oral presentations, allowing for a full range of skills to be developed.

The end-of-module assessment is normally by examination, consisting of a combination of multiple-choice questions (MCQs), and both short and long answer questions

Entry Requirements

112 UCAS points

UCAS Tariff

112 points

GCE A Level

Typical offer – BCC-BBC

Must include A Level Biology or Chemistry


BTEC Extended Diploma (Applied Science): DMM

International Baccalaureate

26 points, including 5 in HL Biology or Chemistry

Irish / Scottish Highers

Irish Highers: H3 H3 H3 H3 H4, including Biology or Chemistry

Scottish Highers: BBBB including Biology or Chemistry

Access requirements

Access to HE Diploma (Science), to include 45 credits at level 3, of which 30 must be at Merit or above

T Level

T Level Science - Merit

OCR Cambridge Technicals

OCR Extended Diploma (Applied Science): DMM

Extra Information

Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced and A level General Studies will be recognised in our offer.  We will also consider a combination of A Levels and BTECs/OCRs.


Students from countries outside the UK are expected to have entry qualifications roughly equivalent to UK A Level for undergraduate study and British Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) for postgraduate study. To help you to interpret these equivalents, please click on your country of residence to see the corresponding entry qualifications, along with information about your local representatives, events, information and contacts.

We accept a wide range of qualifications and consider all applications individually on merit. We may also consider appropriate work experience.

English Language Requirements

  • IELTS Academic: Undergraduate: 6.0 (minimum 5.5 in each band)
  • Postgraduate: 6.5 (minimum 5.5 in each band)

For those who do not have IELTS or an acceptable in-country English language qualification, the University of Chester has developed its own online English language test which applicants can take for just £50.

For more information on our English Language requirements, please visit International Entry Requirements.

Where you'll Study Exton Park, Chester

Fees and Funding

£9,250 per year (2024/25)

Our full-time undergraduate tuition fees for Home students entering University in 2024/25 are £9,250 a year, or £1,540 per 20-credit module for part-time study.

The University may increase these fees at the start of each subsequent year of your course in line with inflation at that time, as measured by the Retail Price Index. These fee levels and increases are subject to any necessary government, and other regulatory, approvals.

Students from the UK, Isle of Man, Guernsey, Jersey and the Republic of Ireland are treated as Home students for tuition fee purposes.

Students from countries in the European Economic Area and the EU starting in or after the 2021/22 academic year will pay International Tuition Fees.

Students who have been granted Settled Status may be eligible for Home Fee Status and if eligible will be able to apply for Tuition Fee Loans and Maintenance Loans.

Students who have been granted Pre-settled Status may be eligible for Home Fee Status and if eligible will be able to apply for Tuition Fee Loans.

Irish Nationals living in the UK or Republic of Ireland are treated as Home students for Tuition Fee Purposes.

£13,950 per year (2024/25)

The tuition fees for international students studying Undergraduate programmes in 2024/25 are £13,950. 

This fee is set for each year of study. All undergraduate students are eligible for international and merit-based scholarships which are applicable to each year of study.  

For more information, go to our International Fees, Scholarship and Finance section.

Irish Nationals living in the UK or ROI are treated as Home students for Tuition Fee Purposes. 

Your course will involve additional costs not covered by your tuition fees. This may include books, printing, photocopying, educational stationery and related materials, specialist clothing, travel to placements, optional field trips and software. Compulsory field trips are covered by your tuition fees.

If you are living away from home during your time at university, you will need to cover costs such as accommodation, food, travel and bills.


The University of Chester supports fair access for students who may need additional support through a range of bursaries and scholarships. 

Full details, as well as terms and conditions for all bursaries and scholarships can be found on the Fees & Finance section of our website.


Your Future Career

Progression options

Biomedical Science MSc; Biotechnology MSc; Cardiovascular Disease MSc; Diabetes MSc; Exercise Medicine MSc, PGDip, PGCert; Haematology MSc; Infection and Immunity MSc; Medical Genetics MSc; Medical Science (MRes) MRes; Oncology MSc; Orthopaedics MSc; Physician Associate Studies MSc; Respiratory Medicine MSc; Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine MSc

Careers service

The University has an award-winning Careers and Employability service which provides a variety of employability-enhancing experiences; through the curriculum, through employer contact, tailored group sessions, individual information, advice and guidance.

Careers and Employability aims to deliver a service which is inclusive, impartial, welcoming, informed and tailored to your personal goals and aspirations, to enable you to develop as an individual and contribute to the business and community in which you will live and work.

We are here to help you plan your future, make the most of your time at University and to enhance your employability. We provide access to part-time jobs, extra-curricular employability-enhancing workshops and offer practical one-to-one help with career planning, including help with CVs, applications and mock interviews. We also deliver group sessions on career planning within each course and we have a wide range of extensive information covering graduate jobs and postgraduate study.